Any insight on experiences with the Beugler pinstriping system? Some photos would really be appreciated.
I've owned a kit for decades. Barely ever used it. It seems to mechanical. You can definitly tell the difference between it and a brush.
Good for "normal" long pinstripes down fenders etc. Other than that they definitely don't have the look of a brush. I bought one like 15 years ago. Never used it.
I have used them on trailers. Strangely the trailers were painted with a brush and striped with a Beugler. Sort of looked like they were striped with a Zippo.
I use it on wheels and have done some flame outlining with it. I find I am so enamored with the brush that I stay with the brush... Don't get me wrong, I love my Bugler, it is just such a different way to get the job done that I don't go there mentally when I think about striping. I can change color much faster with my brushes - or so it seems - Now that you asked, I am going to go home and do a few ditties with my bugler just to get back to it... And YES it is AWESOME for Wheels !!
Same here - bought one at World of Wheels before I was old enough to drive (I want to say 1982?) - I have only ever striped some practice panels with it and it's sitting in my tool box as we speak... Steve
Thats true, the demo guys have them wired and make it look easy. I bought one a few years ago, played with it a couple times then put it away.
I found a dozen good threads in a search discussing them. This one stuck in my mind and has some great info.
duck tape a sharpie to a maglite and try to draw a straight line....ya, its still depends on a steady hand, just cumbersome as heck