This is my 31 ford model a, my dad and grandpa originally built this car in the late fifties early sixties. they ended up selliing it off to fund another project. fast forward 50 yearsish and after stopping at the guys house atleast once a mth for every one of those years, we were finally able to buy her back. this is how she rolled out of the garage for the first time since 1972. they did some stuff to it, like lost the taillights and put random splotches of bondo on it. however it is all there(minus the taillights) and is stripped and has some random bright ass yellow paint on it, o and they also ruined the original 32 grill shell and insert but it is all there. she is finally home and we are at peace, slowly but surely this car wll be restored and updated safety wise, and absolutely perfect . look for updates to come soon.
Cool ride, any pictures from how it looked when you sold it? And what kind of tail lights do you need? I'm sure the Hamb can help you find them soon.
Thanks fellas, lookin for a set of 62 plymouth fury taillights. and i will see what i can do about scanning in some of the old pics. i just ordered a cen pen style air bag front end set up for the dropped axle and springs. man is it a bad ass set up. when i am drivin it i can keep it high like it is in the pics and when my dad is drivin it he can make it scrape lol.
Talk to us!!!!!!!!!!!!!PLEASE! keep it as it was. Airbags????? But you sweat missing tailights? Please follow a theme. Keep it traditional,preserved. Not many of us get to regain a member of our family. Please no airbags and preserve it as your DAD'S car,not a project for you. Sorry I had to vent.
hey i agree i dont want bags. but my dad and i are building it and i figure since he built it the first time, he can do whatever the hell he wants with it. but the good thing about the bags is that they are hidden and i designed tanks that are contained in the frame crossmembers so you will have no idea that it is bagged. trust me fellas this car has been built a thousand times over in my head and my dads. i figure he is 60 so he can build it the way he wants it i will have plenty of time later on to do it the way i want it. trust me though even with bags you will not be dissapointed.