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Rumblers show shut down

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by Ratrod37, Aug 20, 2011.

  1. lockwoodkustoms
    Joined: Dec 22, 2005
    Posts: 3,910


    Spike it was good to finally meet you. I keep hearing things about you from your buddy up here little Joe Alig.
  2. MIKE47
    Joined: Aug 19, 2005
    Posts: 987

    from new jersey

    7 years now that I have attended this show. For the last 5 I have been a member of the club. I have been there all day for every one of the 7 years. Being there all day I saw a lot of things that make me believe the cops (city) were out to make problems this time. Sorry. I don't have anything against them doing their jobs but if you were there and you paid attention you would see it. They were on the place like flies of shit looking for a reason to shut it down.

    I'm not saying that you guys that kinda sided with the cops in this discussion are wrong but if you were not there you couldn't see the things first hand and get the feeling like you would if you had been there and attended the years past.

    I agree that the burnouts are unsafe. We all know that. The club did not encourage it. We have always asked people to be courteous of the locals. Until 2 years ago there was only a few here and there when people would leave. Most people were cool and just rolled out. When it got crazy a couple years back the cops let it go and even encouraged it like in that video. That's where THEY went wrong. It gave the attendees the idea it was ok to do it. At any rate they could have stopped it by writing a ticket or 2 and staying on the corner to show presence. They didn't. They let it go on so they could get complaints about it. Even after the guy crashed the bike, they didn't do anything. It's cool for the fact that they were gonna look away but if you are only doing it to raise complaints than they are responsible for creating the situation. Aside from the burnout in the back of the pick up there was no other stuff like that inside the show. Also none of the cars within the official show area left once during the day. It's impossible to leave and come back in. It's impossible to even leave. The cars are parked 2 feet apart and blocked in at the rear by a large curb and in front by even more cars. Some cars are less than a foot apart and you actually have to walk sideways to get through. It takes hours to get everyone out. You have to wait for 40 cars to leave to get one out.

    Brian has it right. None of the trouble had anything to do with the club. They couldn't shut it down all day even though they tried. They had no reason to do it. Even after the bar and biker issue they had no reason enough. When they finally did it they told us it was because we only had the permit for a certain area. We were in that area. Spill over into the other lots was inevitable. It happens every year. It's not like we towed the cars out of the spill over area. Attendees just parked there. It is public free parking. If that were the reason why didn't it get done at 10 am when they started to park there? It's because it's BS. They wanted to say they shut it down so they had a reason to not have us next year. That's why it happened 30 minutes before they knew it was gonna end anyway. We give trophies at about 5 o'clock. They shut it down as we made the "trophies in 10 minutes" announcement. 85% of the people leave after the awards. The rest hang out all night at the bar, listen the the bands, stay across the street in the super $$ hotel that has 8' x 8' double rooms, and goes home in the AM. If the people who live there are mad that they couldnt park there they can blame the city. The fruit booters were part of the parking issues too and the city granted the permits for 2 areas on the same day for the same time. Their are was no parking so they parked all around the area too. At least we stuffed our area with cars. Those residents can also go ahead and send thank you cards to the club and the bladers for the money the shows brings in for local business which is the very reason they want to live there. We have friends in that area that live there and own business there. We didn't go there to shit it up. It was shit when the club started there. It got better along the way. We don't sell food, beside the hot dog truck, so thousands of people ate 3 meals that day in local places. Yes-3 meals. The earliest arrivals were there at 6am and were there till the very end. That's a lot of cash.

    There's my take on it. I understand rules. I also understand BS. This was BS.

  3. Rogue63
    Joined: Nov 19, 2010
    Posts: 228

    from New York

    I was at the last Show ,I understand this was a great one also,had to attend a funeral or I would have attended as I have in the past.I just hope there is a show next year.
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2011
  4. Spike!
    Joined: Nov 22, 2001
    Posts: 2,733


    I don't know of this Alig character...Sounds lke the guy who's trying to sell me a used spider monkey..tell him to stop calling me.

    Thank you,
  5. VoodooTwin
    Joined: Jul 13, 2011
    Posts: 3,453

    from Noo Yawk

    Nope, I was outside looking at cars and choking on the fumes from the burnin rubber. :p And for the record, I'm not at all saying that it was right to shut down the show. I'm only saying that I understand WHY they did it.
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2011
  6. Backage
    Joined: Sep 9, 2009
    Posts: 55

    from New York

    I still have to say it was mellow this year.Think the police had this planned before all the stuff happened
  7. lockwoodkustoms
    Joined: Dec 22, 2005
    Posts: 3,910


    I will when he calls me again. He wasn't supposed to sell that used spider monkey..........:D

    You need to see the stuff I have it beats the hell out of a spider monkey.

  8. Hi everyone, Mike here, Co-National President of the Rumblers Car Club. I am writing this to completely set the record straight on what exactly happened at the show yesterday. Sorry I haven’t got to this sooner as the rumors have been running rampant here. We have members visiting from all over the world and we make it a point to get together for this weekend so I am at the hotel now relaxing from a crazy weekend.

    I first off want to praise and thank the New York City Rumblers for putting together another great show. It takes a ton of work and these guys sacrifice time and juggle family, work, and lots of other things in order to create such a great show. The others members that made the trip also put in work this Saturday to keep the NYC Rumblers from passing out or going crazy.

    Thanks to everyone that came out to the show, cars, vendors, and enthusiasts. The show is nothing without you all!!



    I am the one who spoke to the commanding officer that was on the scene. THE REASON THE SHOW WAS SHUT DOWN WAS DUE TO OVERCROWDING OF PEOPLE. It was unsafe to the people attending the show and the people that were passing through the area. The reason the NYPD showed up was because of the gentleman who decided to do a wheelie and dump his bike. The bar was shut down because he supposedly went to hide in there. The commanding officer that I spoke to was brought to the scene because of the guy that dumped his bike. He noticed that the situation of overcrowding people in the streets was dangerous. We could not argue with that. We do have a permit for the space but when a situation puts people in danger of being hit by a car, we complied with what the officers wanted. They originally wanted all of the cars out of the lot asap. I told him that was a bad idea. There was already too much chaos and that would make it worse. So when he asked what I suggested, I responded that in the past, after we present the awards, people start to filter out. So he let us do the awards. He gave us almost an hour. Towards the end of the awards, I was alerted that there were officers in riot gear at the other side of the lot. I ran over to the commanding officer to ask what is going on. He looked at me with an angry grin on his face and said, “I did not call them here.” It was some sort of task force that was called in to control large crowds. At that point, there was nothing we could do to stop them. They were going to clear out the lot no matter what. We don’t know who called in the riot cops but we do know that IT HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH THE MISUNDERSTANDING AT THE BAR. THERE IS NO PERSON OR CLUB THAT IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE SHOW BEING SHUT DOWN. PLAIN AND SIMPLE, TOO MANY PEOPLE IN A SMALL AREA. Could the cops handled the situation differently, maybe, could we have, maybe so. What’s done is done, it was a great day with great cars and great people.

    We really want to apologize to those who may have been inconvenienced, but it was out of our control.

    Let’s move forward and focus on our passion for the cars we all love. We will work hard to put on a great show next year and make it enjoyable for everyone.

  9. Big Nick
    Joined: Sep 7, 2005
    Posts: 846

    Big Nick

    THanks for the great shot of my shovel and my buddy's knuckle!


  11. Also, as far as we know, there were NO noise complaints. The businesses in the area support the show and welcome the business.

    If you live within a block BQE and you need to complain about noise, you should probably move somewhere more quiet.
  12. That is largely an industrial area and the BQE in itself drowns out most of the noise. I always wind up spending some coin at local eateries since my wife's nephew lives a few blocks from the show.

  13. Yup, you don't pull a fucking SWAT team out of your back pocket on a moment's notice.

  14. lockwoodkustoms
    Joined: Dec 22, 2005
    Posts: 3,910


    Mike B , thanks for the input. I am glad to hear the real story...........I do have a question will the Rumblers be having this in the same area next year?
  15. Evel
    Joined: Jun 25, 2002
    Posts: 9,044

    1. 60s Show Rods

  16. THE_DUDE
    Joined: Aug 22, 2009
    Posts: 2,601


    Wow sweet ass slide
  17. RichG
    Joined: Dec 8, 2008
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  18. slammed
    Joined: Jun 10, 2004
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    Wheelie boy had that bike bounce off his chest. He be sore for a good while. Good luck next year.
  19. heatmiser
    Joined: May 6, 2009
    Posts: 253

    from mia

    same here... but it takes some balls (or stupidity) to try that on a harley w/ 12" risers
  20. Only takes one idiot to screw up a go
    od thing.
  21. Just imagine the consequences if that bike went into the crowd.
    Thanks to Mike B. for some facts on what actually happened so we can end the speculation.
  22. BCR
    Joined: Dec 11, 2005
    Posts: 1,265


    Monster Flake was right....that was pretty gangster!
  23. JohnForLife
    Joined: Aug 11, 2008
    Posts: 70

    from NEW JERSEY

    I give credit to that guy, he was killing it before he fell. wheelie a harley is bad ass, and he wasnt doing wimpy power wheelies. its a shame he fell.

    and as always the show was a blast hopefully the fun wasnt ruined for next year.
  24. R Frederick
    Joined: Mar 30, 2009
    Posts: 2,658

    R Frederick
    from illinois

    Yea, every car show I go to, bikes must be walked through.

    Seriously, I see why that was shut down. There were families with strollers, etc. there. That bike stunt could have killed people.
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2011
  25. Clik
    Joined: Jul 1, 2009
    Posts: 1,969


    "What if, what if, what if, yada, yada, yada". People need to lighten up. How many times have we been at a sanctioned race track and seen cars go off the track and become a "what if "? There are plenty of videos of drag boats, monster trucks, hydro planes and circle track cars going into crowds at sanctioned events. And c'mon, it's Brooklyn. Your more likely to get hit with a tire iron than a run-away hot rod or motorsickle.

    I was at a Joan Jett/ZZ Top concert last night and of course it wasn't like the old days. ZZ and Joan were great as always but the control freaks were out in full force even enlisting security from the local military base. It was an outdoor event and yet if you weren't in your seat you better be standing in line to use the porta john.

    I got my big ass up from the undersized folding plastic chair that was provided and leaned against the rail to get the kink out of my back before heading to the john and within seconds "security" comes over and tells me "we've got to keep this area clear". There's always someone on a power trip these days.

    Attendees were allowed to take pictures but no videos. So, of course security is walking around trying to determine if people are snaping a shot with their cell phone or using it to shoot a video. Like what are people going to do, sell a high quality video taken on a frikin cell phone?

    At other Motorcycle/Hot Rod events the cops have rolled out there Mobile Command Centers with huge towers equipped with surveilance cameras and microphones where they can listen in on conversations from long distances. License plates were photographed and run through computers and no doubt facial recognition software was in use.

    In Washington DC my trucks are ticketed by cameras mounted on frikin street sweepers and it looks like some cities are using x-ray trucks to spy on citizens. Had your does of radiation today?

    There seems to be a tendency these days to to blame the lone rebel who challenges the oppressors. It's a good thing we had a different attitude at Concord/Lexigton (for those who even know what happened there).
  26. BronxMopars1
    Joined: Jan 17, 2009
    Posts: 890

    from Bronx, NYC

    THE BIKE WASNT IN THE SHOW! There was only about 10-12 bikes alowed inside the show....... The Rumblers cannot control what transportation people use to get there, or what they do in the surronding area.......
  27. Dontcha love when you stand up and the teeny chair comes with you?

  28. R Frederick
    Joined: Mar 30, 2009
    Posts: 2,658

    R Frederick
    from illinois

    Guess if no one is there to show off in front of, the showing off should stop.:eek:
  29. 57JoeFoMoPar
    Joined: Sep 14, 2004
    Posts: 6,399


    Mike B, thanks for the real story.

    Maybe it's the lawyer in me coming out, maybe maturity, or something else, but the guy wrecking on the bike was really just a matter of time. I distinctly remember last year a few idiots trying to rip through the crowds on their bikes and almost running me over, and then narrowly missing some kids. Luckily their parents pulled them out of the way quick. Some other people at the show stopped the guys and gave them an earful, but the guys didn't seem to care. Couple those kinds of folks, which seem to show up in droves, with high tolls, and a show area so crowded people are laying all over the cars, it made it an easy decision to stay home this year.

    Honestly, though it sucks that the guy wrecked his bike, things could have turned out much worse and we should be thankful for the way it went. The dude only seemed to hurt his pride and his bike, and no bystanders or other vehicles. If the police decide to play hardball and not issue a permit for next year, the club could still find a new venue and keep an otherwise great show going. If someone gets killed or seriously injured, that's the end, period.

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