Yeah....happens everywhere! Thing is...up here that car might be the ONLY 35 Ford 3 window left on the island! Thats in exceptional shape as it sits NOW for a local car of that age. In the would be little more than a stain in the moss by now. Anything near the coast has rusted beyond recognition. Man, I hope someone saves it!!!
Copper Top, I say it's time to make an offer to the family that will change their minds. Cash talks, B.S. walks! Explain to them the costs & time of a proper restoration (x 10 if they farm it out) and have your cash offer ready and a trailer waiting. If you don't make a serious offer, i agree with the H.A.M.B.E.R.S. it will sit & rot.
Emotional attachment to what once was and could be is sometimes very unrealistic. Beautiful car, but it will need some serious love soon.
I found two 1957 belair hardtops in a pole barn that had sat protected since 1963 when the hoarding bastard who bought them tucked them away. Try as I might to buy one of them, he said they were "claimed" and would stay in the family--never mind that he was almost 80 and had about 10 other belairs of different years in the same pole barn. No rust, all there, etc. WTF is with these people? When I realized I was getting nowhere, I chewed his shit and left. Still don't feel bad about it.
They clearly don't understand what it would take in time, money and resources to restore that car. Give them a reality check.
Perhaps you could take the time to put together a comprehensive cost estimate on what a total authentic restoration would cost at today's shops rates. Include the cost of re chroming and paint, which is constantly increasing, as I'm sure you know. Include hourly shop rates for a few pro shops. Also bring up the effort required to search for replacement items for those that may be damaged beyond repair or lost. When they realise that the longer they wait the more it will cost and the expenses actually involved it may not seem like such a good plan after all. Of course I am assuming that you have a good re pore with the owners? Good luck, this car looks like it is worth pursuing.
Tellem to get a move on. That baby is on a limited time frame. Like said before, show em the cost of chrome alone, and make an offer. Chrome alone,,,I crack me up.
I know the car and its owner. The car is going to be restored for his new daughter. It is however a beautiful car. As restoration is in the works... so i am told.
I was told by Eben that he has a guy lined up to do the work...... He is away (ship captain) and has plans for a garage when he gets home..... i offered to buy the car 2 months ago...His dad passed away and left it to him....... and im sure it is the same 35.
Its a beautiful car..... he sent me pictures of it some time ago. My only thoughts on it would be that it is finished and enjoyed on occasion. Would be a shame to see it buried under junk again. There was a ton of motors there as well....
It's just so sad that I am here just to look at tfeverfred's avatar Oh and the car, yeah, what were we talking about? .
What kinda motors you talkin' bout, Willis????? How come EVERYONE knows this car except me? Glad to hear it might actually buck the trend and GET restored!
Deja Vu....Back in the 80's, I had been dating a girl for a year or so. We went to visit her parents in NW Manitoba. There was a sweet 32 Chev coupe sitting outside by the house -a very nice complete car. Or course I pounced and expressed my interest. Her Dad said that his son was going to restore the car and it was not for sale. I knew the son well, having taught him how to install a curtain rod in his apartment, so I knew the car didn't have a chance. I thought maybe the car would make a nice little enticement to "join" the family, but no dice. I told him, "If you EVER want to see that car on the road again, you know who to call." I miss the car a lot more that the girl.............
supposed to be some mid 60's ford stuff.... a buick motor i believe.... i can find out. And ya dont know for all the old stuff... even the remains of what is supposed to be a 32 in town... remember i mentioned that to you a while back....
need someone to help you sniff it out, i know a young buck who seems to be good at that sort of thing
I remember...but you never did get back to me on it! Figured it turned out it was just another A Fordor or something. EVERYTHING old is a "Deuce" as you know! hahaha Theres always something around that someone else knows nothing about. Some of this stuff has been off the charts for many, many years so you only find it by networking or plain old luck. Hey...take Rusty Buchans up on the offer! He's like a hound dawg for rusty metal!
The guy who told me it's a 32 owns a 30 ford.. so he knows A's. Now god only knowhow accurate he is, it could be a 32 anything.... but i'm gonna look at in in the next few weeks.
Roy? Is this thing in someones garage or is it out in the woods somewhere? Take a few pics...or a Hackerbilt!!!! Not out before Harbour Grace is it? There IS (or WAS) a sedan out that way. Can't remember if its a Tudor or Fordor but I'm betting Fordor. I saw it driving down the road 35 years ago with an old lady in the back. Urban legend has it that after she passed away it was walled into the basement of her family home with her white gloves placed on the back seat...and it isn't for sale or for viewing. Lifestyles of the rich and weird.....LoL