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what hapened to all the OLD hambers???

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by Sam F., Nov 14, 2003.

  1. Germ
    Joined: Apr 11, 2001
    Posts: 1,330


    SKRATCH is a FAG.

  2. I'm still around too, hard to keep up with the good stuff but I know it's still here.
    The board just moves so fast. Member#79. I'll get back to work on the Stude one of these days just enjoying the T-bird for now.

  3. autocol
    Joined: Jul 11, 2002
    Posts: 589


    a few people have suggested an OT board, and a tech board.

    i think that would totally rock. i personally enjoy a bit of both, and would read both boards. however, i realise there are guys out there that can't be bothered with the drama and would prefer to easily read about rods and customs. a "two board" layout would make it MUCH easier to do that, IMHO.
  4. Sailor
    Joined: Mar 3, 2001
    Posts: 824


    My reason for not posting as much as before is somewhere between what Brewsir and Samantha said. Im too busy to be able to contribute with much, and I just dont like commenting on EVERYTHING like I see some of the freshmen in the bunch do. On the other hand, I may have babbled to much earlier..
    Also, Im not against things being slightly off-topic either, but that gets problematic when the number is increasing. I think Im member no.60? A little chatting back and forth about music and whatnot is ok when its only one small circle and you know most of the members in it. But with 3000 members the circle is huge, one lose control over who's who, and the circle is bound to get split into a bunch of smaller circles for such smalltalk. Obviously not all these smaller circles quite get what the HAMB is all about, the focus is blurring a little and the tight-nit community it used to be gets a little looser. The backside of being popular I guess.

    But I think some of the newer members would do well listen more and talk less, both for themselfes and for the HAMB.

    Just my opinions..
  5. Broman
    Joined: Jan 31, 2002
    Posts: 1,487

    from an Island

    I stand by my statement, DrJ should post more...... [​IMG]

    I wish I could have ran down the entire list of great posters but it is hard to remember ALL of the OG's. I used to love reading their shit. So if you are an OG and I have left you out I appologize, concider yourself on the list.......respect.

    By the by, I realize that alot of the guys whos posts I enjoy reading are also writers by trade and that writing on the board after writing all day could be labor intensive. In other words, I understand why they don't post as much. Hell I can only make it here once maybe twice a week. The longer you are off the harder it is to keep up. But hell if I don't have anything else to do I always jump on here.

    And one last thing, I don't bite, I lick. And I have, in fact, been working on the 50. I am still having trouble finding out why it overheats.......the saga continues.

  6. warpigg
    Joined: Mar 4, 2001
    Posts: 591

    from gypsy

    i miss Mud... and his monster trucks...
    and also miss kitty, and O town rumbler, and the harvester of bondo, and aaron, and his wiener.
  7. Aaron and his wiener LMAO!!!

    anyone remember lil' mephy? I got my ass chewed out and broke up with from miss hillbilly (aka Kelly, aka the girl in the cheerleader outfit, circa 1999) because I wanted to see mephy's tattoo... and mentioned in an e-mail to her about mine...ahhhhh good old days

    I was around here shortly after hangin dice 99 when I met Ryan and Marcie there, they took a pic of the interior of my old '51 Ford Business coupe, and one of my '59 biscayne with jesse sittin in front of it playin a pinstriped guitar, this was back when "skratch" was known as Russell, the fella with the Lucky 13 outta DFW, and he won the Dennis McPhail award at hangin dice...

    the old H.A.M.B.'rs I miss are HemiKat, phatboy, shag....among others...I remember miss kitty, her attempting suicide over somethin on the HAMB, hell, the ex-wife liked the free CD I got from them so much that she took it with her...somethin about feeling a kindred spirit with miss kitty....blah

    voodoo jim, cockeye, and the rest of the garage goons...where are they now?

    I havent been to wichita in so long, and that the go away garage still goin?

    I remember the bad boys, or cake boys, or wtf ever they called themselves, i also rememeber the pic I posted of the girl's gums that went on a date with the cake made a few folks lose their breakfasts...

    lol....VIVA LA HAMB....

  8. Shag
    Joined: Mar 2, 2001
    Posts: 213


    We're still out here. I personally have been through a lot the last year or so and have been busy drag racing. I don't have as much time to be on here as before so I don't post a lot. I still have the 33 and might be getting a 54 Buick in the near future (if my buddy comes through for me). Next season will find me back at the strip chasing 9's in my FED and maybe my life will have settled back down enough that I might be able to write again. I miss doing the stuff for magazines. Life just sometimes becomes very busy and I have to prioratize. Family first (especially now that I am getting divorced), Drag Racing, my house, then writing and the HAMB. I will try to post more in the near future and when we start making the planned changes on the FED, along with the new motor, you can bet I will supply pics and comentary on what we do. I have a groovy old catch can for the valve cover blow by and you should see the 1945 Army canteen we used for the expansion tank in the water system. More to come as winter progresses. Thanks for thinking of me.

    Oh yeah Germ is right Skratch is GAY!! [​IMG]
  9. warpigg
    Joined: Mar 4, 2001
    Posts: 591

    from gypsy

    i think the go away has gone away... their site has been off line for about 2 years, and last i heard the neighbors / cops put the kybosh on their parties.
    i think they have gone the way of the do-do and the flame thrower contest at hangin' dice...

    one for old times...

    Mud's new car.
  10. I dont know if i qualify as an old timer but started posting here back in Dec 2000.Still here(barely) [​IMG]
  11. Nads
    Joined: Mar 5, 2001
    Posts: 11,869

    from Hypocrisy

    Oh no Shag, say it ain't so? That sucks, every time I hear the DIVORCE word I get chills because I've been through it.
    Hang tough pal, I feel bad for you.
  12. RocketDaemon
    Joined: Jul 4, 2001
    Posts: 2,082

    from Sweden

    [ QUOTE ]
    I came in with my company name of OLDCARGLASSGUY member no.2000.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    cool yeah i wonderd what that guy went [​IMG] the other day i thought about all the good tips i have gotten by fellow hambers and you are one of em think we talked about glass like 3 years ago or something

  13. candyman
    Joined: Jun 29, 2001
    Posts: 355


    Ya know hillbilly.. I have never understood why everybody correlates my wifes attempt at suicide with the hamb? Perplexing to me really as it didn't involve the hamb... I was just dumb in asking people on the hamb to offer support to her for something she did that was stupid. I guess that everyone will always view it that she did over the hamb which dumb but ok. It is a distant memory now so?

    I have no idea anymore who most people on the hamb are. I miss the days when a couple hundred posted but those days are long gone and life moves on. The new hamb has a lot to offer though. I read regularly. I don't post nearly as much these days. I can say I have met some great people through the hamb. There is a tremendous amount of info here and the heads up on shows and many many useful tidbits of info about car stuff is appreciated. I get tired of the same shit getting posted over and over but I figure it is just a part of longevity here and life in general for that matter. If you stay around long enough things tend to repeat themselves in all things in life. There is alot of old posters I miss reading... one of those is ngo long dong.. he always gets me chuckling.
  14. Stoner
    Joined: Nov 3, 2001
    Posts: 548



    Thanks for putting me on the list!

    I'm with Shag--it's gotten pretty hectic and all I have time to do is lurk here and there. I forget who posted it, but he's right on when he speculated that when you have to do alot of writing, you don't want to do it for pleasure at the end of the day. Unfortunately, that carries over to the cars, sometimes, too. With GARAGE magazine starting to ramp up (finally), it's hard to do much else. How ironic--what was pleasure has now turned into work and the pleasure takes a back seat.

    I don't want anyone to think that we "OGs" think any less of the HAMB. I think sometimes we take this board for granted. The fact that we have the ability to thread all our little pockets of hotrodding together by the good graces of Ryan is incredible to me. Imagine, when I bought my first jalopy back in '86, I would never have dreamed we'd be here doing this today. And GARAGE is evidence that the HAMB works--we have a following in countries around the world and alot of that is due to this board.

    Hotrodding is now coming to the surface of pop culture, whether we like it or not. Shows like Monster Garage and the Discovery Channel hot rod series are waking people up to what we've been doing for a long time. Young kids see our home-built cars as aspirational now and I think we're really going to see a wave of new talent in the next few years. We bitch about seeing iron crosses and Von Dutch stuff all over the place, but not only should we be proud, we should take it upon ourselves to teach those jag-offs what it's really all about. Shit, they wanna be us, but they'll just buy the $20 tee shirt or $80 trucker hat since it takes a commitment to do what we do. Not everyone will convert, but the few that will will only preserve our lifestyle long after we're gone. There's a mystique to what we do and the iron crosses, skulls, chains, tattoos and cryptic car club insignias give us a badass-ness that folks want to emulate.

    I say bring it on and this board will fill in where the pageantry drops off--with SUBSTANCE.

  15. Tim
    Joined: Mar 2, 2001
    Posts: 18,804

    from KCMO

    lol rocky old school?? i ben here longer then him [​IMG]

    man my life just has so much meaning now:p
  16. krupanut
    Joined: May 4, 2001
    Posts: 1,619


    [ QUOTE ]
    I will try to post more in the near future and when we start making the planned changes on the FED,

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Looking forward to your updates Shag!
  17. kustomd
    Joined: Mar 2, 2001
    Posts: 1,222


    It probably doesn't matter but I have been on here since about 1999 I remember the board changed several times. Like the pokemon board that was funny.There is alot of guys I don't see on here anymore. I remember getting into it once with germ when he kept ranting about some kinda poet bullshit. I don't even really remember what it all was about now. I just remembered him and some alias kept acting like they were fighting all the time then he got banned. Good ole germ what would we do with out him.
  18. Broman
    Joined: Jan 31, 2002
    Posts: 1,487

    from an Island


    Are you kidding? Man you were one of the first OG's that would reply to any of my questions. Plus you had(have) a really bitchin' Riv that you were kinda trying to make it more of a sleeper or something. I thought it was one of the baddest cars going. It had style and power. Rad.

    I am glad Garage is taking off. You deserve it. Good luck..
  19. You missing me candyassman? Ha ha ha ha ha! Capitalist running dog! Your criminal pirate U.S. Navy has sent a spyship to my homeland, filled with gangster seamen. I meet one in a bar here while taking a piss. He gigantic black man, I look over while he piss and he get mad.

    He say, Whatchu’ lookin’ at mothafuckah’?
    I say, Holy Schlitz! You use duffelbag for happy sock!
    He say, Yeah my little yellow brotha’.
    I say, How come you pack much meat?
    He say, look alright, I’ll tell you...lard.
    I say, Lard?
    He say, Lard.
    I say, Fo’ shizzle?
    He say, Shut up mothafuckah’.
    I run to black market and buy every can of Crisco I see.
    I rub Crisco on my pee pee for a week, nothing happen!
    Capitalist trickery!
    I go to spyship of death and yell to him.
    I say, I rubbed Crisco on my pee pee for week, nothing happen.
    You lie sailah man!
    He laugh, he say, Sheeeeeee-it! Crisco ain’t lard, that’s shortnin’!
  20. FONZI
    Joined: Mar 5, 2001
    Posts: 1,536


    Sorry to hear about the "D". look me up next time u are in OC if u wanna hang out. Hope to see ya on the track.

  21. Scotch
    Joined: May 4, 2001
    Posts: 1,489


    Ya sure things have changed here some...less builders and more talkers....but it's still the coolest. This is where my "Buick Brothers" hang out..and I've been here more lately. Thankfully, it's been work that's kept me away for awhile...the Buick, GTO, and now my '67 Chevelle wagon projects have kept me busy, but I like it. I liek seeing progress and waking up Monday AM to see my stuff looking better than it did Friday nite when I got home from work. I've got a new girl who's helping me bust ass on stuff and make a difference. I still see Fonzi at the Sat. AM donut cruises and we hang out sometimes (not often enough tho). Fatass and Broman rule, and we all were learning about '50 Buicks, inline 8s, and Dynaflows together. It was cool as hell and still is...but now that damn Glen is gonna start building a '50 that'll be as nice as his green '48 and all our shitpiles are going to look lame by comparison.

    I miss the OG cats too, but I know they're still here, still cool, and still just a post away if I need to hear from them. I'm the same way, and I don't post as much as I used to because when I see an inquiry answered correctly, I have little more to contribute. It didn't used to be that way, but if I see a tech question I feel capable of answering completely, I will...more guys on here means more ideas, options, and opinions...never a bad thing. I'm growing tired of the "scene-esque"(tm) posts and off-topic stuff, but there's still more cool cars coming together on here than anywhere else. I still dig it.

    I think Germ's shit used to be funnier, but I think Cole's posts are better than ever.

    I'll have more '50 Buick stuff to talk about soon...progress is being made...finally.

  22. jalopy43
    Joined: Jan 12, 2002
    Posts: 3,085

    Member Emeritus

    Hey, I'm still alive,just havent been posting for a loooog time! Maybe I need to start again? seeya, Glenn
  23. FoMoCo_MoFo
    Joined: Mar 30, 2001
    Posts: 1,666


    I have been on here a while but never post. Like my mom said, if you aint got nothing good to say
  24. Pigiron
    Joined: Jan 21, 2002
    Posts: 309


    Thanks for the kind words about being in TechOmatic, Duece Rails. I kinda thought that was a high point too! [​IMG]
  25. HotRodDrummer
    Joined: Dec 10, 2002
    Posts: 1,827


    sounds like I missed out on a lot....
  26. chip
    Joined: Mar 2, 2001
    Posts: 111


    still here, i remember when germ got banned (thanks marshal), the pokemon board ,mud & his creme filled jaffas, merkins, 74 corrola larry, germ & (insert name here)'s fight, miss kitty (oh congrats mom!), & all those other ass wipes who i forget,i think we were a closer family before, it has grown, & lost that small town charm, but it's still full of good info, i just spend too much time on life now, so i lurk a lot. member # 18 chip, the hot rodder formerly known as...... hepkats.....
  27. briggs&strattonChev
    Joined: Feb 20, 2003
    Posts: 2,236


    [ QUOTE ]
    sounds like I missed out on a lot....

    [/ QUOTE ]

    amen to that, I wish there was a site that I could go back and see all the neat shit I missed.

    Questions ive got just after reading this post:

    Who are Steve and Mud?
    What the hell is the pokemon board?
    WHO is ngo long dong? (read a few of his funny posts, I think its an alias of someone else here but dont know the story)
    Im ashamed to say that I didnt know C9 is an author. What books has he written? About traditional rodding im guessing....
    Who the HELL is the "Harvester of Bondo"? Ive heard the name numerous times and have tried to find out who it was/is but couldnt.
    There was another moderator called "Jason"? When/Why was that?

    help on these ?'s would be appreciated

  28. ripper
    Joined: Mar 7, 2001
    Posts: 19


    hey butt reynolds, dunno, don't think i'm an old timer, i'm not missed although missing...but i lurk a lot & admit alot of the OT i don't even open up to read. each to their own. tech stuff, project pics & mention of modified old bikes or pre 50 cars, yeah i'll open up & look.

    just moved camp some 400kms south of where i was, so life has changed route a little & now able to do more things I want to. not a bad idea to report in every so often.

    Shag - sorry to hear about the D. No, we ain't met, but all the best anyway, hoping for you.

    yeah, must admit hard to walk past the old posts from germ, mud, et al
    always good for a laugh :)

    Haven't posted for such a long time...had nothing interesting to say
    Yeah HAMB changes gradually but that's just how things evolve...nothing bad happened yet. HAMB is still on my regular "must check" list of favourites.
    Seeing I'm not a regular poster, I feel I can say, 'it's in good hands'

    time to go back to the shed, nothing builds itself :)
  29. Broman,

    Thanks for the listing, I have been pretty busy and have not visited for a awhile. After the system change I was not able to login until last week. (Ryan fixed that up for me) Thanks Ryan!
    I still have not been able to post pictures yet, I have a new little Deuce 3 window that is HAMB worthy, (I think)
    The channeled 33 is still being reworked but is close to being on the road. I will post some pics after I figure it out. I use Netscape, that may be a problem.....

    Chopt 34
  30. I will try to attach a photo again....

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