Jeff good job,some of us like your way,you could have bought a $20,000 frame to set the $600, car on,but thats where a lot of us would have gotten off,THANKS
everyone, lay off the c notch, i tis hard to tell from the video, but he may have had 3/8th wall box tubing "laying around".
that tubing for the notch is plenty just looks weak in that area because its not the same as the rest of the 2 cents worth.
This is an old(er) thread, but since it has been revived, a comment is justified. Regarding the "C" notch, the comprehension of geometry and physics revealed by many posters on this thread is so shallow, it is appalling! The only thing more alarming is their certainty that "it is fine" or "that's plenty strong". Those of you with that mindset might want to consider some very basic education in structures. There are textbooks available. Ray
Cool project and you got it done. I suppose the notch looks rather light duty but I don't think I would worry about it. Bitchin exhaust note!
well he got it all put together and running, but looking at the thinking that went into the C-notch I have to wonder about the rest of his fabrication and engineering..
if it breaks, will me or you ever know about it? wont break.
Glad you guys are so proud of, and defensive about, ignorance. Just read an article the other day about why people won't change their mind in the face of facts proving their beliefs are in error. If they admit to that error in one area of their beliefs, what else that they believe is incorrect? They can't handle that possibility and emotionally cling to their disproven notions and discredit the new information. The thing is, if I am wrong in my opinion about this matter, what's the harm? The person who follows my (and the several others who agree with me) opinion about this issue, and beefs up their chassis mods, only ends up with a chassis stronger than need be. BUT, if you and your like minded pals are wrong, the person who accepts your view has a weak chassis (or other component) and risks a failure, and whatever it's consequences. Consequences that could have been avoided. The sensible person, lacking indisputable facts that prove either case, would choose to error on the side of caution. By the way, overall, I agree the OP did a good job working with what he had and within his budget. The "C" notch is the only area of dispute here. Ray
Dad was right, never, never argue with a fool. It's a Hot Rod, not an Atomic Bomb.... Happy Motoring....