I don't know what these are worth but can anybody give me an idea if it's in the ball park? http://oklahomacity.craigslist.org/cto/2583667694.html
Looks suspicously like a 2-door sedan with the top cut off, if photos are zoomed in on. I'd pay that for a solid original car with 20 foot paint... that ran and was complete.. meaning it still had it's roof.
do not even call about this abortion-good for a parts car now-if he still has roof maybe someone can put it back together again for a much lower price.
Well at least they didn't weld the doors shut when they cut the top off. Body don't look to bad but flat black paint covers screwed up parts pretty good.I personally wouldn't pay over $2000 for it. Might have brought $4,000 if they hadn't screwed it up.
Roger that guys, I'm glad I asked There's a much nicer looking 56 Ford 4 door sedan for around the same price listed right now. I may take a peak at that one. http://oklahomacity.craigslist.org/cto/2590386572.html I hate not really knowing what they are worth! LOL
NOT a real convert..........door gives it all away. Never be strong enough in the frame to be street worthy. <<<<< thats a REAL convert
'56 Ford looks much better - best have the seller do a compression check on engine. Y blocks have limited top end oiling system. sometimes there is a copper tube running to valve covers to help with this. check and smell transmission fluid - and look at water in radiator. brake job may be needed because drums worn out.