I am going to be making a road trip this weekend....any good yards near roanoake VA that would be worth checking out???
what are you looking for? look up estes, its in pilot, a bit north of roanoke, has a couple older cars, a few trucks as well, here's a link to a thread with some pics from it http://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/showthread.php?t=192320 heres a teaser
anypalce that has pre 1970 stuff in it, need to get my junkyard fix and its kind of chilly here in upstate ny and i figure if I am going to be in non-snowy areas I could take care of it
I know in roanoke, or really close used to be star city auto parts, (or something like that) 10 years ago when i was in highschool i got some spindles to do a disc brake swap on my 62 chevy II from there, just don't know if either yard will let you in to look around. One of the guys at Estes will let you look around, but I cant remember his name, twin brothers Larry and Terry. Might not be much help, but its a start for ya.
check out Leon's in Culpepper, right on route 29 , about an hour north of charlottesville, it's gigantic, like around 12,000 cars, most of them 50's and 60's.
.....Anyone know if Leon's is still in business? Just curious. I remember going there about 30 yrs. ago with a Ford (make that Mustang) friend of mine. The place seemed to go on forever. The farther you walked, the older the stuff got. It was a killer yard. I remember a sign out front that read " Leon's..the walking man's friend". I could never figure out if that meant, if you are walking because you're car is broken, we can help, or if it meant, if you are willing to walk, you can probably find the part(s) you need....Don.
Yeah Leons is still around. I keep hearing Philbates is crushing stuff left and right though. A guy came by my shop last week and was the 4th person to tell me this
Leon`s is still open. But you must get there before 11:00 am. The old man passed a few years back and his son runs it now. He is a good guy, but he closes early to work on his own stuff daily. He still has a lot of early stuff and a lot of buses full of good stuff. Another thing is to not start talking about what the stuff brings on e pay or Leon will start raising prices on you. He is right up the road from me.
agree on leons, i havent been there in a long time. seems like i remember a decent small yard near christiansburg too.
Yes I also think goatman said it was still open we all should make a trip when it gets cooler and take fairhaven Joe.We can leave the goats at home.What do you think Don?
.....Bring the goats along. Maybe we can lease them to the proprietor for the day to clean up the weeds in the yard. You know goats like to have fun along with everyone else. Maybe we could trade the services of the goats for some vintage car parts.....Don.
Just hit leon's in Aug. He's not crushing a ton of stuff yet, but said to tell folks if they don't get up there and start buying, he will be. Problem I've run into there are parts seem cheaper on ebay and i don't have to pull them.
Leon is a member of my family. He is definitely still in business. Close to 150 acres and20-25k cars. I have never seen him start raising prices on someone. He closes early to do wrecker calls so that he has a steady influx of vehicles. You do need to be there early since it is a large place. I'll be there tomorrow morning and I'm there every other friday on my day off helping him.
You must not have seen the place recently. Goats won't be needed. Rows are mowed and trees are kept maintained. New roads have been made and it's organized perfectly. Plus his dogs will give you better company than the goats and they shit less.
I was just funnin' about the goats, R.C. I didn't realize until your recent post over in the Md.HAMBers social group that you were related to the folks at Leon's. Can't think of anything in particular that I need right now, but it's the kind of place where you can always find something you don't need but must have. Surely hope business picks up as it would be a shame to see the place go away......Don.
That's one thing I can say for sure. Leon's is one of the best kept, best organized old car yard I've ever seen. Especially for as many cars as he has. There's also a pretty cool yard cat that will follow you round the whole entire yard on a dreary rainy day if you rub it... ;}~