I was just looking around on Eastwoods website and i happened to run across this http://www.eastwood.com/earlex-spray-station-3000.html It looks like it may be a good little unit for those of us who don't have compressors. I did some google-ing and all the reviews about been about people using it on wood, nothing about shooting anything that is metal. So i was wondering if anyone has any experience with it, or heard anything about it?
I wouldn't waste my money on a gamble like that. Put together enough money to buy a decent compressor. (Watch for a good used one.) Then buy a Harbor Freight 47016 spray gun on sale for $9.99. It is a very good gun! I think a copy of a $600 Saita. A compressor is something you will use for lots of different things and will have a long time. You will never regret buying a compressor, but I could see regretting buying the spray outfit you linked to. ~Alden