I didn't take a lot...spent too much time goofing off i guess.. The gig was a flat out BLAST, even though it was over run by "Douche Bags"(tm)! Larry, thanks once again for a event well worth the physical damage caused by driving my truck down.. I said it before, this is a NOT miss show! pics now. Tony
more.. Thats Lulabelles bad ass roadster on the bottom.. That RAN and sounded KILLER! No pushing for him.. Quite the view through that there winder eh? I dig that little car!
This is all i have... Thats Evel looking for the shifter outside the truck in 'Roth' monster style Umm,yeah the last pic.. well, ya see Johnnylonghair, Boones and myself set sail with the Captain last night and i guess this is our 'drunken salute'.. what a bunch of douche bags! Good times!
My entire body hurts!I think I walked 7000 miles.The best weekend of the year!!Great to see everyone!
That 'oxide one was tight! I really liked it. I'm sure there's going to be lot's of pics posted on the show by people. I think we're all trying to get our sences back together right now.. You'll probably start seeing more tomorrow i'd think.
Thanks,Wish it was mine, but the owner is who is sitting on the back tire. I was told I was throwin it around pretty well, all I know is Bill told me to get it muddy for Hersey, so I followed my orders! What a blast! Then he told me I was too easy on it!
I agree, this is one of the best shows on the east coast!!!!!! Did you miss the circle track??? Klaus
anyone by any chance have any pictures of that ugly ass 55 chevy farting around the track?????? my camera was dead all day at the show.......
Hey Doushebag, I forgot about the Capt pose, a night of hard core sailing takes its toll. I got a pic of the 55 on the track.......... look at my coverage
Longhair, I agree. we may have to call him Capt Douche bag since Father Douche bag is taken but a certain 1-shot slinger.