needs some help or suggestions here.... I took my 54 auto car rear axle assembly to an industrial ceaner to have a steam chemical bath to remove all the grease and dirt. While there they got their paperwork screwed up and BLASTED whole rear....slide snout and all! the snout instead of being a polished mirror surface is now a dull sand blasted mess. Any suggestions on a repolish? what about some type of sleeve like a crank snout when the timing cover leaks. I am afraid this thing is going to eat up seats like it is.....kinda sick I do have another rear...but its a 3 speed manual rear and mines an auto.... On hold now until I can descide what to do...
I'm confused. More details please about which pieces you are talking about. Slide snout on a rear axle? Eat up seats?
54 auto car = 1954 belair with an auto transmission... "eats up seats" = eats up seals from the rough surface slide snout = up to 54 gm used torque tube style axle in the u-joints....snout slides right into back of powerglide tranny. shaft where ujoints and driveshaft would be are actually one piece with rear axle in these cars. rear seal, seals shaft. Im sorry..i realize now, I did give enough info to understand what I was talking about.
Take the pitted shaft to a machine shop and have them put it on the lathe and polish it with a crank polisher. If Chevy could do it (the part wasn't born shiney), then you can do it too. If the pits are too deep, then the part was probably too rough anyways. Sandblasting doesn't usually take away too much of the parent metal.