G'day all. Saw a great looking P/S kit from Blundell Speed & Machine. Anyone out there know anything about them? I been having a bit of trouble getting thru to the Blundell web site, so can't get much info, so if you've got any info, I'd surely appreciate.
my friends trying to put one in right now but, he doesnt seem to be able to GET the thing from them after paying for it.....
Here is the website but I have never heard of them or their products until I saw your post above http://www.blundellspeed.com/index.html They might be another one of those outfits that doesn't make anything until they actually get an order for it. No stock on hand, low overhead kinda thing but it sure slows things down if that is the case.
i also find it hard to believe that they are sketchy seeing as they are in popular hotrod magazines. but maybe..... we might need to call up some friends in orange county and see what the deal is.
G'day again. Thanks for the replies although they weren't exactly what I wanted to hear. I passed a few e-mails back and forth with Blundell, but all of a sudden,...nothing! Paypal have cleared a payment, but as yet.....still nothing. Anyone up round Orange way?
mate, I hate to say it but I think you might just have done your dough. If you use this site for nothing its a great place to search for info on suppliers, of course , you have to sort out the wheat from the chaff, but it will give you an idea. there has been some threads recently on these guys doing exactly what you got, emails , but once they have the money... theres a silence. I hope it works out for you in the end. I have also been stung by a US based supplier for a decent amount. Hard to swallow at the best of times, but even more difficult when there so far away. wish you the best.