Porkys real name was David William Huntington II. He was my mother's brother and he was my uncle, and the most memorable character I have met in my lifetime. My uncle "Porky the Pirate" introduced me to drag racing in 1970. We went with him to Lion's Drag Strip in Long Beach, he knew everyone there. I was only 20 years old, and he got me hooked on Drag Racing - We were there for the last race at Lions Drag Strip. </O There are so many stories about him. My favorite story happened 35 years ago. I broke down in Fresno California, major engine trouble. I called every machine shop in Fresno, trying to strike some type of barter deal, as I was bit short on cash. I ended talking to the owner of Eddies Speed shop in Fresno who said come on down and meet with me and tell me your story in person. When I got to Eddies and saw all the drag racing trophies, I asked him if he knew my uncle Porky. He said hell yes I know Porky!Eddie leaned back in his chair and said my shop is completely yours. He said I will give you whatever parts you need and you can pay me back when you can, and I will teach you how to rebuild a Chevy 350. He put me to work in the shop and 1 week later, we fired up my brand new 350 engine He turned to me and said once in a while you have help out your fellow man you are my one for this year. Whenever I was able to make it to Fremont Drag Strip in my RV ... just a mention of his name got me in the one the best parking spots along the fence. The story about Porky cutting his own leg off is TRUE. He was working in San Francisco on a Saturday excavating along a retaining wall on a caterpillar tractor on the property of the famous attorney "Melvin Belli". When all of the sudden the retaining wall collapsed. Porky did a commando roll off the tractor which saved his life. But a large piece of concrete landed on his left leg partially amputating it. Porky turned his belt in a tournequet and then took his buck knife and freed himself by cutting the remaining piece of skin that had him trapped. He hopped on one leg up to the street, where he passed out. The falling wall was felt 10 miles away. The story was reported in the newspaper. Porky's 3 leg(s) were made by DEAN MOON, the drag racing fuel tank manufacturer. The legs were made like a aluminum dragster fuel tank, complete with hinged locking fuel cap. There was a fuel outlet on the leg, Porky ran a tube up his pant leg so he could sip on his favorite alcoholic pirate beverage while he welded. Sad to say but Porky passed away around 1985. His funeral was attended by some big names in the Drag Racing World, and they paid all his funeral expenses. My brother Gregory has one of the Legs that were made by Dean Moon for Porky. Porkys 2nd leg leg is in the possession of his son David William Huntington III. The 3rd leg was buried with Porky. Thank you all for the wonderful stories. If anyone has any leads on pictures of porky or maybe one of his calendars please reply. The picture with the blue background - got ruined by sunlight. If anyone has a copy of this picture please reply. Michael
Thanks for sharing and to think all my uncles were bankers , lawyers and teachers.................. boring!!!
This is the best thread I have read on the HAMB in a while! Thanks for his family coming on here to share info and stories. A legend in racing history for sure! I read this thread from the start and I am excited to read about the counter culture in our hobby. Please, if anyone has more pics or calenders, other related stories, bring them out for all to see or hear. Kinda reminds me of that song by "The Farmers", "Uncle Stinky", if you know it, your laughing, if not, look for it and you will.
It does look like Porky the Pirate. If so, he followed the digs all over Cal. He had a trailer with the most interesting Junk. This along with is welding ability saved The day for many racers (including me) by repairing Anything from a blower case to a broken chassis. He was famous for sitting and stabbing his leg with His knife.
The world, especially the drag racing world, needs more Porky the Pirates! Wish I'd had the privilege of knowing him. Sounds like Von Dutch in a lot of ways except with a smoke wrench instead of a paint brush. Seems like a skookum guy to me!
This thread has had me laughing, spittin,up, and crying all at the same time! Its like a breath of fresh air, in this world of "do it this way or your not one of us" thinking. I can only hope there is many more "Porky The Pirates" out there, we have'nt heard about yet!