Any hollander owner that could look up interchanges for a 62 cadillac spindal? looking to get disc brakes. I heard a 1969 cad splindal will work so mabe also interchange for a 69 spindal? any help would be thanked.
You heard right. 61-9 interchanges. Seems I recall the 70 Eldo as being the M/C-booster of choice also.
The latest Hollander's I have (32nd Edit.) only goes up to 1966. According to it though, Cadilac spindles from'61-'66 all interchange, so maybe they continued them for a few more years. They don't interchange with any other makes/models. Anybody out there with a later edition Hollander's ??
they will work great. i did that swap on my 65 caddy a few years back. for the brake booster i used a dodge dynasty booster. you only have to slot the factory holes on the firewall and it's a bolt on. to get the right pedal height you also have to space it out from the firewall a little. but dodge has a aluminum block on the inside of the car that works great for a spacer.
thanks guys, has anyone got a new book to find the hollander spindal number with this number it might interchage with other big gm boats. thank again
acording to steve smiths book race car fabrication and preparation it apears the stock car boys have found some others.I was hoping to clear this up. I say the knuck heights vary some but will interchange. gmc spindal mercury parklane, aftermarket speedway engineering, also holman moody spindals all based about the same. aparently the knuckle heights and the ball joint eccentric are only different. do 70's caddy work? do they have eccentric or are they shimmed? Thanks for the input Ryan
Hello Hotrodav8, Simple change over to disc brakes for your car. Take and masure the inside bearing diameter and outside bearing diameter. Here is a seal and bearing chart for you to use. Most any 69 and up GM rotor will work just install the correct bearing and race. Takes couple hours to make a bracket. for whatever caliper you are using. Try to use the 79 and up "metric" caliper as the diameter is smaller....smaller diameter less volume. If you can afford it use some 4 piston calipers as they require less pressure and volume to operate. Bearing # Style OD (Cup) ID Bore (Cone) Bearing Kit# Shaft LM11910 Cup 1.7810 A2 LM11949 Cone 0.7500 A2 LM67010 Cup 2.3280 A6 LM67048 Cone 1.2500 A6 LM12710 Cup 1.7810 A12 or A34 LM12749 Cone 0.8656 A12 L68110 Cup 2.3280 A13 L68149 Cone 1.3775 A13 or A17 LM12748 Cone 0.8437 A34 LM11710 Cup 1.5700 A1 LM11749 Cone 0.6875 A1 15250 Cup 2.5000 15118 Cone 1.1895 LM48510 Cup 2.5625 A5 4T-LM48548 Cone 1.3750 A5 L44610 Cup 1.9800 A4 L44649 Cone 1.0625 A4 Seal # Style Seal OD Housing Bore ID (shaft) 473228 Seal 2.5060 2.5020 1.5000 6815 Seal 2.5050 2.5000 1.9400 43071S Seal 2.4410 2.4370 1.7500 40494S Seal 2.5060 2.5020 1.7500 472041 Seal 2.5060 2.5060 1.8750 40401 Seal 2.5060 2.5010 2.0000 473229 Seal 2.5060 2.5020 1.5620 6840S Seal 2.3400 2.3360 1.7300 472319 Seal 2.6270 2.6230 1.9370 7886S Seal 2.4410 2.4370 1.5000 Hope this helps u. dso
moonmr, thanks this is great info .What is the correct way to make caliper brackets. I happen to have a pair of gm metric calipars and camaro rotors. this is the price range I was hoping for. Do i just make it hold calipar centered on rotor and bolt to existing backing plate holes? thanks Ryan
This is a drawing or a Wilwood 6 Piston Caliper. You will notice that there is a mounting radius "E" this radius is the top of the brake pads. So it would also depend on your brake pad to where the calipers mount in relationship to the rotor edge. Look at a set of disc brake spindles or disc brake brackets you basicly need to make your bracket "simular" to this shape and thread the two holes for the pins to mount to. Nothing scientific, with the bearing chart it should assist you in building any disc brake kit for the front of any car. This is as cheap as they come. If you get a chance read the brake article and FAQ this will assist you alot by giving you basic knowledge of brakes. Do not go by hearsay when it comes to brakes go by facts. Remember you can not change Geometry and Physics and the basic information will be good 200 years from now. Brakes are to important to be playing around with, you will never have to much information.