Hello everyone, Years ago my father gave me his old Grancor jacket. I've attached a couple of pics. If anyone has any info, please let me know. My father grew up on the south side of Chicago from the 30's to 50's. Unfortunately he now has Alzheimers and doesn't remember how or where he got it. It must be from early on since it doesn't have STP on it. The front has a sprint car and my dads name. The back says Grancor Power and Speed Equipment. The material feels like Satin. Thanks nordf4@aol.com
Sorry to hear that your Dad has Alzheimer's. I wish him well and please do look into medication for him; they have some pretty helpful drugs today, especially if you diagnose it early enough. As for the jacket, that may be (I stress 'may' be) a jacket worn by a team member of the sprint, midget and jalopy races the Granatellis would hold at Soldier Field. You know, Andy Granatelli is still with us and so is his son Vince...so maybe someone on here knows how to reach them...just a thought.
I think Vince was Andy's brother. The envelope for this "catalog" is postmarked 1947. This will give you their Chicago address in the late 40s. I was disappointed that he didn't sign the letter. That is such a cool jacket. Did your dad crew for one of their race cars? Thanks for sharing it with us. Hang in there. Alzheimers is no fun for the family.
Really Cool Jacket, Im thinking Grancor Did Not Exist Past the early 50's. The book "they Call Me Mr 500 " is availble fairly cheap, it traces all of Andy's life as a car guy. I agree the jacket was probably worn at the races at Soldier Field in Chicago, Good Luck Deek
FWIW there are two Vince Granatellis...Andy had a brother named Vince (and Joe as well) and then there was 'Beau Vince' the younger Vince, but I am not sure whose son Beau Vince is...Vince Granatelli Racing was run by the younger Vince but has not raced in Indycar for 10+ years....nonetheless,Andy is still around so if anyone can help airbusdrvr find Andy, he could surely tell him a lot more about his Dad's jacket.
I seem to recall when he gave me the jacket 30+ years ago he said he hung around a racing team that made the jacket for him. He never lied to me so I took that as the truth. His sister seems to think he bought it at a race where there was a embroidering booth that wrote his name. When was the last time you saw an embroidering booth at a race? Oh well
The story in the link is 2 years old now so maybe the email is no longer valid but worth a try... http://www.sportscardigest.com/racing-legend-andy-granatelli-makes-request/
A Smith Jiggler conversion for only $850? I'll take one to go, please. Plans for it? No plans. I want to simply put it in the garage, prop my feet up, and stare at it occasionally....because it's just that cool.
i have been watching and checking on the Granatelli museum and theres also a V8 Ford one , all built on the Kruse museum grounds any updates as to when either open??
Andy Granatelli's EMail address is: mrindy500@yahoo.com I suggest you send photos of the jacket and a brief question about it,asking for his comments. He doesn't answer many inquiries, but he may reply if he sees the jacket photos. I grew up in Chicago in the Fifties and would have given anything I had for a Grancor jacket. I think the car on the front is a Midget,rather than a Sprint car. Not much Sprint Car racing around Chicago at that time.
Seeing a label in the jacket and or a zipper will let you know when the jacket was made. Seeing that shape on the collar of the jacket says early 1950's The zipper is either a talon or conmar if I am correct. That jacket is probably no later than 1955. Why did it double post? whatever
Super cool jacket and link to your family's past. Keep it clean, wear it at the vintage / historic races! Gary
http://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/album.php?albumid=30366&pictureid=345988 Here is a young Andy Granatelli at Soldier Field in Chicago, 1950. Different style of jacket, but similar material.