Not out of line at all. After watching him SUFFER for the past six months I'm right there with you man! Got a small crew together today and finished everything but the alignment. Screw the alignment, I took dad cruisin'! He didn't feel good but he wanted to go for a ride. We made about a 3 mile loop through today, car runs great! I'll post pics in a while, on my Droid with no TJJ app.
The colors on the '55 look really nice. Perhaps it will sell quickly because it is purdy. I got to take a few road trips with my Dad 10 years or so ago. I highly value those memories. He will turn 80 next spring and I know he couldn't do it again so I just spend time with him, when I can, and call often. I am glad you are doing this for your dad. My Pops got me started on this disease we call hot rodding.
I always dug them too, but the matching interior looks really dated. Kind of a crushed velour copper thing going on in there... Cherish your time with your dad man! My dad is 67 and way too young to go, but he only has a few days left. It's killing me, but I'm sure enjoying being with him. No regrets though. We've been the best of friends since I was born and have done everything together! Here's a few shots from the cruise today... My dad and two of his seven grandsons... Our buddy Jack giving me some driving instructions... LOL Can't go anywhere without the IV's sticking out. Morphine keeps the pain manageable. He has a "port" just below his collar bone.
God bless you Daddio211 and family....You are a good son and a good man. Bet your pops is proud of you.
I don't care what you think about the interior, I think that is a really fine looking car and I like the interior. I'm dated too so maybe that's appropriate. Your Dad should be proud to own it and please tell him I wrote that. BTW, 67 IS too young to lose him. Cancer is the worst and I only can hope that this will make you stronger. At least your kids got to spend some time with grandpa, I barely knew one and never met the other. I think you're doing a good thing and karma pays dividends.
Yep, having a great time just like we always have! Amen brother! Sure is! Thanks Tommy, I sure hope he is! You all would do the same thing though, what I'm doing is nothing special or out of the ordinary! I told him Triggerman, he said thank you.
Dropped the car off at the alignment shop this morning. Hopefully he'll feel like goin' crusin' this afternoon... on 5 year expired plates! That's a ticket I couldn't argue with, but would be glad to pay! Car should be available for purchase soon. I want to get all the bugs worked out and have it as a reliable driver before throwing it out there. I'll post a seperate "For Sale" thread in the classifieds when the time comes.
For those of you following this, my dad and best friend passed away this morning. My mom, my wife, my two older sisters and myself were by his side. I'm devastated. I'm numb. I'm heartbroken.
Sorry to hear of your Dads passing my heart felt condolences . I lost my Dad 6 years ago and the great times and memories are still getting me through the rough patches. Rob.
Deepest sympathies to you and your family. You need to be proud of yourself and your friends for making the best of this sad time for your Dad. God Bless.
I don't know you and I am new to the HAMB, but I am praying for you and your family. I can't imagine your pain and sense of loss, but I can tell you that I am happy you had a friend in your dad.
Hang in there Daddio. My heart sank when I read about your Dad passing; way too familiar. I lost my Dad 5 years ago this past Sept. to cancer. He was able to pass at home, a home he designed and built, and that was very important to him. I wasn't able to get my first old ride until about 9 months after he passed. I wish I would have gotten the chance to take him for just one ride. I keep one of his high school "greaser" photos on my dash so that I can remember him every time I get in that car. I won't lie to you- it is a tough experience. I was numb for a while as well and I'm sure that it is our minds way of coping with the immediate situation. Things will become easier. Keep the memory of your Dad close to your heart. If you want to, feel free to pm me anytime. Condolences.
My condolences to you Daddio, been there done that. My dad has been gone 26 years, but this kind of thread will still bring a tear to my eye's. I can still take his old 51 Ford out for a drive though, and think about all the great times we had restoring the car. You will also i think.
All the best to your family and friends for your loss. "A CAR GUY ALWAYS GOES OUT HAPPY IN THE CRUISING LANES." CRUISER
No matter how much time you have to prepare, its tough loosing a parent. Take care of yourself and your family. God Bless you all.
Thank you all for the kind words. I know I'm not alone in this, and I feel so bad for you guys who have lost your parents or other loved ones. I'll get myself pulled together soon and return to life as I know it, but that piece of me is gone. I worked for him for 20 years, then he retired and I picked up where he left off about 2 years ago. We spent most every day together, then weekends in the garage or at shows. Over the past 2 years there were days I didn't see him but we always talked on the phone daily. My wife lost her mom 17 years ago and she tells me the hardest thing is going to be when I reach for the phone to ask him a question or tell him about a cool part I found, then realizing he won't be there to answer the phone. I'm not looking forward to that. On a positive note, our car club that helped put his '55 together will be at the funeral. Everyone loved my dad, he was such a great, friendly man. Should be quite a procession of hot rods and a fitting tribute this Friday. If anyone takes pics or video I'll post it.
Eric, my thoughts and prayers are with you and the family. I'll be in that procession on Friday in spirt. Rappin my pipes for ya Bob God Speed RIP Don