Anyone have any info or pics on the red '46 Ford convert. that was on tward the end of the "Home Improvement" series? I remember it was red, low, and had wide whites. I've looked online but couldn't find anything. Wonder if it's in Tim Allen's private collection?
rod and custom did a couple of pages on it about 10 years ago,,with centerfold maybe some ones got it.Also was on cover.
Thanks for the link. How about a follow up question, is that actually the same rough car that was shown being bought it from jay leno on the show?
Automotive Stud, It's in R&C, April '99. I scanned the article & centerfold last night, but couldn't post it w/o reducing the resolution to the point where the the text is illegible. If you (or anyone else reading this post) want, I can PM it to you.
I have an article from Street Rodder that has the info on that car. It's at my shop and I'll have to get the date later. The article shows some of the build pics and I think the finished car. I'll look and post the issue date later tonight or tomorrow. JP
Well, I found the article. It's the R&C article though. I had it stuffed in a street rodder with another article. There is no date on the one I have. Sorry. JP