Looks like I need to go threw the brakes on my 50 fleetline. I am keeping a 235 and powerglide rear end in her. I just wondered how many of you all are still running stock brakes in them. Also is there any need to upgrade?
Drove my 54 with 350/350 combo on all stock system (drum/drum floor mounter single line master cylinder) no problem.
Had stock brakes on my '54 Chevy for 16 years and never had any problems with them. I say just rebuild them and drive the hell outta it
Stock '50 has the old style Huck brakes, if you have to go through them, it might be a good time to upgrade. '51-'54 are self energizing and a big improvement.
I have re-built stock front and re-built S-10 Chevy 4X4 in the rear (drums). Work great. Don't 'half-ass it' do a complete re-build with turned drums and 'new' cylinders. Use quality parts.
The Bendix brakes will increase your stopping power. If your Huck brakes work fine now, leave them alone they will probably work fine. If you have to go through your Huck brakes, you might consider replacing them with Bendix brakes. It might be cheaper than finding all the Huck stuff and it would be an easy conversion.
Alot of guys say upgrade to the Bendix style. I dunno, I have the stock 50 Chev brakes on mine and they work just fine. You just have to drive it like an old car, and look ahead.
My 54 has stock brakes in front and rear drums off a Nova (rear end swap). All I did is install a duall MC and an ECI bracket. Stops great, even up in the mountains here.
Mine isn't back on the road yet, but...I went through and did complete new system. Dual MC, Discs in front and Monte Carlo drums in the back. Should work good.
my 49 has all stock brakes just flushed out the system cleaned up the wheel cylinders( pulled them apart and cleaned them no new parts needed) and added new fluid, work perfect
I have 50 and Ive seen the price diffrence between the 50 on down and the 51 on up. And have heard the 53 on wheel cylinder are better. Will the wheel cylinder inter change or do I need the working and dust cover too?
Also - on the front backing plates you need the newer model spacers and for the rear you need the complete rear assy; you can't just change backing plates even after you cut the rivets out, ask me how I know.......
new brakes are cheaper than replacing bent body work, because you couldn't stop as quick as the 100 million other cars on the road. bright tail lights help on the other end. "tradition" is worth nothing when you are wrecked.