Well I got tired of trying to tell everyone that sees my car what the plans are fot the grill area and started getting it completed tonight before the mig ran outta gas. I am no pro at this and do it for my own enjoyment. The first photo is what the starting point was.
And where I had to stop due to no gas. it looks pretty good and will be better once I grind down the mess that I made putting it together.
Next project should be this gimme car that my step dad got from the guy across the street. We have all the spare laying around to make this a fun little roadster I hope everyone enjoys!
Oh yeah and if anyone has some ideas for the T like pics or something that would be cool. I am thinking about a layback windscreen I think it is call Duvall?? And low where the back wheels are peaking above the trunk. I dunno
54 looks good. As for the T, low would look good, and the Duvall style wind sheild would be a good touch. Good luck with both projects.
That looks awesome...the grill surround def. looks like a 53 Chevy...I planed on using the same grill in mine back when i had it....Nice job holmes! Dirty
Yeah I thought it was a '53 Cheb, I haven't seen the '53 Chevy grille I have in so long I thought it had less lines in it.
the last pic of your car looks good. it looks like it's smilng. good job. check my website to see what i did to a 53 ford grill.