So the wiffy and I just got back from the are a few photos that we took at 0530 with 3 hours sleep and a half cup of coffee...enjoy! When everyone else gets home I`m sure there will be more. Viva
Ok`s time to consolidate the X-Mas party threads! THis is gonna get out of hand! Viva
Good hanging with you guys today...If I dont see ya good luck in Japan and we will see u on the HAMB!
vivalahotrod - Excellent photo's for little sleep and three cups of coffee. Get some sleep and get back into the cruising lanes. CRUISER
I`ll be sure to post up some pics of the HotRod scene when I get to Okinawa. Here`s a bit of what I get to look forward to: It`s always a good time. Viva
My photos from Mooneyes are here:
Great pics guys! here are some of mine, a week late... Some of my favorites on my blog: and some others... http://