I've been working on this project with my pops for the last 5 years or so and decided I would finally sign up here. It's our first resto project. We picked it up in Kansas and towed it back to California. Picssss Alot of body work has been done. We attempted to paint it just for fun so its not all rusty. We havent decided on a paint color yet. Maybe a fauxtina kind of thing. We recently got a wiring harness and got the fuse box mounted. I'll try to have pics of that soon.
Always glad to see another F1'r here. You have a bed for it? Yours should really snort with that FE engine. What size? Do yourself a favor and post an introduction as per HAMB rules. HERE: http://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=18 Some of the old bitches around here will throw a hissy-fit with no intro from the new guy. Welcome.
Thanks! The engine is a Ford 360 c.i. out of a 1968 truck. We do have a bed for it. It needed a few patches and we just painted it for the hell of it. I will try to have pics when I can find a camera. The red engine in the last pic was the original 6cyl but my dad decided it was too expensive to resleeve so we bought the 360 just had to get a carb, alt, starter, fan, belts...
follow link from LowKat - truck looks like on the right path - example to others that most projects are not built in an hour like on TV shows
Very true. This is going to be a very long term project. I have so many things planned for this truck. For now we will cover the important things. I want to upgrade from the original single reservoir brake system to a dual res brake system and eventually put and ifs front end on it.
Well at least you were told in a nice way to introduce your self. Every one decided to gang up on this new guy. Are you keeping it stock? I have a 50 I've been working on for about a year. I can't call it a rat rod because some Guys get all offended ;so I'll say custom truch. Chopped 3 1/2 inch , suicide doors, custom dash , frame is zed at the fire wall and steped in back. Planning to put a poly 318 with 727 trans from moterhome ( got it cheep and low miles). Good luck on your build Ernie III
You get grief because you can't read or comprehend. This is not a rat rod site. No matter where or how you post it. Now you are hijacking another thread with your rat rod bullshit. I'm not offended by rat rods. I'm offended by guys like you who post their rat rods on this site and get all pissy when called out. Sorry 1950F1. Cool project.
Thanks guys! Yea its some good bonding time with my dad. Its not really going to be stock. We plan to put an IFS front end, 9 inch rear end, and maybe eventually a 4 link rear.
It is wonderful to see another Ford F1 in the works. I am planning in the next couple weeks to put a Jag XJ6 for IFS and have already purchased a Ford 9 inch out of a 68 F100 with a 3.25 gear. Will let you know how the combo works out.
@VoodooTwin Me too! Especially these body styles. I'm trying to find a camera so I can put up more recent pics. Today we did some more wiring. One of the studs on the damn alternator takes a weird kind of nut so we have to look for one.
I searched around on the forum but couldnt find anything(dont know if I was searching for the right thing or not), but does anyone have any tips on how to make more legroom in our cab beside moving the fuel tank? Like maybe cutting and extending the area where the pedals are to make a little bit of room? These cabs are quite small. Me and my dad are pretty tall(over 6 feet)
I've never seen anyone extend the footwell on these trucks. The stock pedals rest on the back of the floorboard so you'd have to move them. Or convert to a firewall mounted hydraulic clutch / master cylinder and put them where you want. The ones I've seen added a few inches to the back of the cab. Like a mini-extended cab. I used the bench seat out of a 1980's Ford Ranger PU with mods to make it taller. Adds about 2"-3" legroom compared to a stock seat. The seatback is only about 1" thick and can be made to touch the back of the cab. Fits with the original F1 gas tank. Folds forward like original. Lots of storage underneath. Here's my F1: and what i did http://jalopyjournal.com/forum/showpost.php?p=6654399&postcount=13
I'm 6'4, and I found that 1)removing any padding from the BACK of a seat, and 2) very careful seat mounting & placement got me *plenty* of room (but no extra!).
Thats kind of what I was thinking. We have a seat out a dodge caravan. I told my dad we should just relocate the gastank to between the frame rails. Ill have to tell him about the ranger benchseat. Hopefully we come up with something. Thanks for the tips fellas!
Nice Truck good luck with it. I put the 3rd seat out of a ford minvan in my 52 and put a mustang 22 gallon tank between the frame rails. Worked out fine for me.
I should have pics tomorrow. I finally got ahold of a digital camera. So far we have the wiring to the back lights and the front lights/horn. We want to find a new location for the battery. Also, my dad has talked about getting a new rear axle because of a better gear ratio. Should I just upgrade the gears in the stock one or buy a new/used rear axle?
Not the best pics but some for now. I found a truck on Craigs that is being parted out and hopefully I can get the grill for a good price I got almost all the trim for the hood. Just missing the front sideways U shaped pieces. Ill have to take a pics of it with the hood on tomorrow.
@LowKat: Thanks! The guy hasn't responded and I sent him an email around 4 days ago. He replied to the first one about me asking if he would part with it. Hopefully he gets back to me soon. I've been looking for an original grill for some time now.
Good grills are hard to find. Mine came from an F5 farm truck, it was about the only good part left on it. Quite a job to pull if the bolts are rusty. It was easier to tighten them and snap 'em off than trying to unbolt. I just noticed your in Spring Valley. I lived out in the Borrego desert in the 1980's and went to the Spring Valley swap meet sometimes when we were headed to San Diego for the weekend.
@ LowKat: Yes they are very hard to find. I have been trying to get one for our truck since we bought it about 6 to 7 years ago. It sucks that we dont have the rusty cars sittin out in fields like in the states to the east. We have some just not as much. I live just right above the swapmeet. I go with my friends every other weekend or so.
Nice looking monkey face, much nicer than I started with. Moving the gas tank won't get you much room in the cab, a later seat is the answer. Go to hanging pedals and put them close to the firewall. You won't get as much room as a late model full size truck, men were just shorter 60 years ago. Try pulling the stock seat all the way forward and you'll see what I mean. In 1948 that was the "bonus built" cab, sized for three men with hats sitting comfortably across the bench. Check out a jag xj6 subframe for IFS, it's what alot of us are using. Cheap and it works. Also, check out ford - trucks dot com, the 48-60 forum. Alot of us are on both sites. -Rusty
Have you found a grill yet ? I think I have two in storage. I will look this weekend and get pictures for you if you still need one.