Hi All, got a 54 Customline with a Y-block to keep me busy this winter. I need to practice some rust repair and the HAMB always has good build threads. I like lots of pictures...I'll try to get some up of mine. It needs outer rockers but the front crossmember seems sound.
Welcome aboard bro, you will have a good time and learn some great tech tips here. LOve 54 Fords. Rock on man ~sololobo~
Its a 4-door, but I think these look just as cool in 4-door as 2-door. Gotta practice my welding skills anyway
Looks like the chrome and stainless is in in nice condition,for those patch panels click on Community up top then click on Members and look up "ems customer service". He is also a 1952-56 Ford group member some new panels are coming out shortly He can give you an update as to whats available.