Getting ready to put the headlight assemblys back on the fender of my m5 stude truck. I need to know if there was a gasket between the assembly and the fender . It was apart when I got the truck so I dont know what was there . Any Help????
Not positive, but pretty sure there isn't. You could ask over at the Stude truck forum to get a definitive answer. Oh COOL looking truck; would like to see more pictures.
Yeah, it fits so close that there isn't much room for one. I just want to make sure before installing them paint to paint. Thanks guys I'll check out the stude site also.
Really digging the color. Almost looks like bare metal. Someday I'd like to do a project in silver. Anyway if you haven't already, check out the Studebaker forums.
Awesome looking truck.Wishin' mine was that clean. I've seen over 50 M5 Studes and have never seen any paint gaskets lightbuckets-to-fenders. Come to think of it,not many guys run fender welt on them either?
TDITS, candy base coat silver with clear coat. Looks good except up realy close ,its like a mirror and shows every flaw .But I still like it.
Find you some thin vinyl with cloth backing, like the web on fender welting and put one layer between it. You'll be sorry if you don't.
thanks for the digit,I'm going to bolt them on as is /no gasket. I have searched every where and can't find anyone that has positive proof that there were gaskets there .Got the ones for the bucket to housing and thats all .wish me luck I don't chip paint ....
[Thanks Iceman,...QUOTE=Ice man;7305445]Yea, always a gasket between the pot and fender. Stops rain and mud from leaking out on the paint[/QUOTE]
The M5 did not have a gasket between the fender and the cowl, although I have seen many restorations where people added that because they like the way it looks.