Help I have a 1950 Mercury cannot find the engine number, need the engine number for Queensland rego, recently imported vehicle from America, any help would be appreciated. Its a Flat Head 3 speed, CHEERS
should be in the gab between the head and the intake manifold at the rear of the engine (our drivers side)...
Im not sure the lady at the transport dep wants to see a engine number one that meets the road worthey cert and the lo2
There aren't any registration numbers on Ford/Merc engines from the factory - of that era. A few states required them but very few. The frame is the only place you'll find the "vin" or registration number.
If you cant find it by any means....get whats stamped on the import paper re-stamped on your block..could be a easier way around it if you dont end up finding it. I had to use a ship-load of degreaser inbetween the head and intake to eventually find it. But also in saying that mine is a Aussie 51 3 speed flatty things may have been done differently down here.....
On a 49-51 mercury, there will be an actual VIN tag. It should be on the passenger side of the firewall very close to where the firewall and front fender meet under the hood. On 49 mercs the VIN would start 9CM-xxxxxx. On a 50, I think (not sure) it would be something like 0CM-xxxxxx. The chassis number (the six digit "xxxxxx" number) will be stamped in the frame in three places. Two of which you have to pull the body from the frame. Look near the front body mounts near the firewall on top of the frame rails.
The trouble with using engine numbers as a VIN is if you do an engine swap you won't be able to sell the car.
The info source that the office and officials that he is dealing with most likely says that the engine number is the vin number. Proper documentation that shows that the vin tag is actually on the firewall might be of great help for the cause in this case if someone has actual Ford-Mercury paperwork showing that. Some info here
The VIN# on the firewall tag should match the number stamped on the frame - unless someone switched frames or VIN # tags from another Merc.
tag on the firewall, as well as a # stamped in the frame on the pass side [ right side in australia] frame rail to the rear of the front suspension cross member, it is quite a large stamping.