Titus has been working on both of my Tudors. Lots of fab and fixin on my wrecked 31 and getting my baby blue 30 ready for his wife, Stichbitch to work her magic on the interior. It was nice out last week and Titus rolled both cars out of the shop for an impromptu photoshoot. Of course he had to send me the pics when I was at work. Made my day as it was the first time I had actually seen both cars together as they've always been in different places/shops, etc. I'm really happy with the way both cars are turning out. I've had visions of both in my head for quite some time and it's pretty damn cool to see the visions becoming reality. Really neat, to me anyway, to look at how different both cars look, yet are the same body.
Thanks for the kind words. With any kind of luck they'll both be on the road this year -- maybe not 100% finished (are they ever?), but on the road makin miles of smiles.
If someone would have told me they were gonna build a model A sedan,chop the top,set it up with a bitch'n stance and paint it ...."baby blue" I would have said "what you been smok'n". But to see it in real life, This is one of the nicest ones I've seen in a long time. Cant wait to see how the interior turns out. Good luck on both of them. Scott