I've looked everywhere for thicker stainless woven wire mesh for a grille. BUT the thickest I can find is .047.or .063. I need something like on the Kookie Kar that is stronger. Any ideas?
McNichols has the largest selection of mesh. http://www.mcnichols.com/products/wire-mesh/material/stainless-steel/
.063 is pretty strong when woven into a cloth. You might try these guys. http://www.twpinc.com/wire-mesh/TWPCAT_12?gclid=CJW9_s6SzK0CFcYbQgodJwIwhw
Depends on the opening size. I found 1" opening up to .120 gauge. I presume you are talking woven wire.
Pegasus racing in Wisconsin sells several varieties. Or you can do as I have done twice, use a model A stone guard and cut your mesh out of that.
darbywiremesh.com I believe is the oldest and largest manufacturer of woven wire cloth in the U.S. I bought from them they have any size you could imagine
Ive used Darbys before, not the most reliable service, and invoiced me the wrong amount when I picked up my order. I now use Mcmaster Carr most of the time. When they do not have what I am looking for, I use this Manufacturer of Woven and Welded Wire Material that has been open since 1919 - http://www.bwire.com/ Between Mcmaster and Belleville Wire Cloth, I can always find what I am looking for at the right price. Good Luck.
Go To McMaster.com and do a search on "Mesh" or "Large-Opening Type 304 Stainless Steel Space Cloth". They have it in 304 stainless from .063" wire up to .192" wire
McMaster-Carr = McMaster.com doesn't whine about small orders either. They are also a hell of a good source for any size of mild or stainless steel piano hinge if you need one.
The problem with Mcmaster is sometimes they dont know EXACTLY what you might be talking about, whereas a mesh expert prbably would. Like a manufacturer of mesh......
Not really true. Mc Master will always let you talk to a supervisor , or they will even call the manufacturer and do a three way phone call if necessary. They will sell you exactly what you need. You have to ask the right questions. I've even had them order stuff not in their catelog, drop ship it to my shop, and bill me. Their service can't get any better.
Belleville is no more expensive than Darby haha. I have used Belleville for years and I would know, trust me, I search the net for every type of wire mesh and cloth that I needed. Darby and Belleville have similar prices.