Howdy, I just wanted to ask if anybody here knew how to wire up a motorola vibrasonic reverb (pulled from a 57 chevy)--what the required dash control pieces are--it's a fader for the front-rear speakers and an on-of switch I think, nothing more, but I fried one reverb unit once and they're too hard to find to do it twice. I've tried to find a schematic online but no luck. Any help or advice would be appreciated. Thanks, -Eazzee E
I've got the Control unit for one of these along with it's wiring harness and the 5 pin connector. I'll check on it later today after I wake up. I'm typing this in my sleep. Zzzzzzzzzz....
I have a brand new, still in the box, Vibrasonic with all the paper work and parts, including the optional in the dash switch. I can send you a copy of the wiring diagram if you want it.
i hope you got a really long name, cause we dont accept MG's here! especially B's! (and td's are the worst)
Howdy MGBRingo...Don't mind Fir cookie...he's been like that since the chigger infestation! Thats a cool offer to make...welcome aboard!!! You should make a little intro in the intro section so we can get to know you a little better...
I have a motorola unit to.It is all in one unit with a knob on the front.I bought it on ebay.I am putting it in my 60 tbird.If you can help me my email is Thanks,Wayne
can you please send me a copy of the Motorola reverb hookup also my email is Thanskyou, Jimbo
MGBRingo.....Last Activity: 01-06-2006 12:45 PM Chances are NOT good on getting that wiring diagram...sorry.
I rebuilt an echo-mate reverb unit a few years back.Too bad you don't have a picture.The power wire(s) should be simple cuz they are bigger and hopefully fused.The others are maybe three or four wires depending if there is a common between them. One set goes from the output of the radio,the other set goes to a set of speakers.Something like that.
Could you email the wiring diagram please.... BIll at or if you want I can send you a self addressed envelope to send back to me. Either way! Oh, if anyone wants to buy it I am putting it on ebay for 30 bucks. Its a sears, stereophonic reverberator. I am pretty sure how to hook it up but a diagram would be better just in case. It worked when I took it out. BIll at 901-230-5016
I have too a motorola vibrasonic which i used in a 63 Corvair Monza. It comes with installation instructuion sheet. I want to sell it to any one interested.
A reverb is basically a time delay echo system for cars used in the 60's. Essentially it has a set of springs that are attached from a speaker to a microhone. When the speaker makes a sound the springs repeat it into the microphone PLUS an echo. Very cool sound. They also went nuts when you went over a bump or a railroad track. Lito I would love to get a scanned copy of your instructions! Glenn
And, ( to the best of my memory) they were made for Monaural radio. You will need two, one per channel, to work with a stereo radio.
be careful these things were built when radio's put out about 8-10 watts of power. if you are hooking up to an original low wattage radio you will be o.k. if you are hooking up to a newer high watt radio consult someone knowledgeable in electronics. I turned one into toast many years ago and a repairman said it was because I used a high watt radio. good luck
A guy at work told me the chicks really dug the reverbs..So I get one and put a speaker in the rear...First chick that heard it told me to shut that f'in thing off...It broke but the rear speaker and fader switch still worked; liked that way better...
I had to buy a bagful of power transistors to repair mine, they don't make them anymore cuz they were used in old Hammond or something organs, or if you can , the transistors are stupid expensive. A few bucks on your end will probably get you one,I can't see them going anywhere soon.
If these use the same parts as a Hammond organ transistors, you may be able to sell to guitar amp guys. Hammonds are being parted out to build tube amps for guitar players.
Seb.....I think your buddy at work may have meant his chick really dug a vibrator.........and possible a re-vibration after she recovered from the first round....... Ray