The Brizo '32 looks like a car you might actually see being driven around. The speedster is nice, but it looks "busy". There's too much of a good thing going on with it. Some of the my favorite cars are the ones that I wouldn't be scared to drive. It's nice to see cars without $200,000 tossed into the them, just for the sake of bragging.
Lets just face the fact that when a hobby has evolved to the level of these cars you really need one of the judging sheets to come to a conclusion about a "winner". My first thought on the So Cal car was that it was just too much and would have chosen the Brizio roadster. Based on personal taste I'd stick with that choice, but holy smokes the So Cal car looks better every time I open this thread. Thanks for the great pics! Hate to sound like a soccer mom, but they're both winners...........
It's all going to come down to what the judging criteria is. My take is the Brizio car to drive, the SoCal car for the coffee table - requires a REALLY big coffee table. That thing is pure art.
After looking through SoCalCarCulture's (hope I got that right) photos I'm not betting on any one car as there are a number of damned nice cars with only one or too getting clear away from the looks we appreciate here. A couple of them do have that disappear into the LA roadster show and never be noticed look but the fit an finish on all looks first rate. The pipes on Sylvester really detract from the car in my book and look way too faddish along with being totally impractical for anyone who wants to actually drive the car. I'm not talking about the look at me fairground cruise throughs but to get in the car and take off for a destination 150 miles or so away.
I like the Riley, too, but I'd vote for the Sylvester III '32. I'll see them tomorrow. If I change my mind, I'll let you know.
From a personal standpoint, the Gloy/Brizio car does it for me. BUT from a "Show Car" point of view, things change and I have to go with the Howerton Indy Speedster. But here is a really interesting take on Sylvester that was discussed today. If it really is a restoration of the original from 1962, then first it is no longer eligible by the rules since it was in the GNRS before. Second, it is now a "Restoration" not a "Build" so that kind of puts it in a different status then newly built cars, kind of like Ala Kart a couple of years ago. Might seem like splitting hairs, but there really is a bit of difference - or is there? that was the conversation ....... And if it's a "Clone" then it really shouldn't win for lack of "originality" in the build ~ just something to think about .......
Says who? Those vying for AMBR are pre-approved for competition. Actually it is a old hot rod that has been visually restored yet has had some major improvements check the other thread about it.
this one does it for me i might have made the headers a few inches shorter ...but i didnt build it or own it
Like I said, this was a conversation that was being discussed near the car today - I didn't say it was right or wrong, not that it was my or anyone official's opinion, just food for thought.
My choice is the Jackie Howerton roadster and in my mind it will never be the Bill Lindig/So Cal roadster because Jackie was the creator and the fabricator, it was neat enough to win before So Cal put the polish to it. I am a little surprised that on the list of 26 people that Bill Lindig thanked for construction of the car Jackie Howerton was number 11! It is and will always be the Jackie Howerton roadster, his ideas, his work, his sweat, his genius. Great job Jackie!! Rex
ignoring any controversies, if this car were to win the AMBR the HOT ROD community will be a better place because of it. Time for people to stop building stupid cars for the AMBR trophy.
& we are continuing it There are always different ways to interrupt rules. I for one am glad they changed it as it throws emphasis back on the AMBR. In recent years it had turned into some kind of consolation prize for those who didn't win the Ridler. Go Sylvester, Go!
It was an 1980s Street Rod that was built by Squeeg Jerger for Daryl Wolfswinkel. Doug Jerger rebuilt it for Daryl.
Thanks I must be thinking of a different car. For some reason I thought Boyd had a hand in the original build.
Im liking them all mostly, with only a few small things that dont work for me, such as the goofy pipes on the Sylvester car. The ones on the original would have looked better. The Howerton Roadster is great, but i just cant like any car painted silver. The Brizio built Roadster is very nice.
headers on Sylvester aren't as goofy as the ones from the 60s '61
It's a stunning car, and I hope it wins.....but I'm also having a little trouble warming up to the exhaust. Zoomies are a difficult thing to pull off. If you get them looking period correct, they tend to come off as cartoonish, when complementary to design, they tend to come off as too modern, which I think we are close to here. Whatever, nothing to nit pick except on an AMBR contender. Huge leap in the right direction on these cars this year.
Unfortunalty none of those cars will win...I think the giant roadster with the giant motor will win cause its the ugliest car there. That's how the AMBR is every year pretty much a disappointment If one of those wins it will hopefully will change the game! I love the silvester 3. And the 34 ford too that has not Been mentioned that car is amazing! And the brizo car..its nice to see a bigger turn out of traditional style cars this year..
If there were more cars around like that Sylvester three I'd be a damn sight more interested in hot rods. Oh, wait a minute, it's a reinterpretation of a 62 car. That explains it. Paul
I'd have to go Brizio, but it's such a tough call! All are truly amazing! The only thing that would make the Brizio car better is some tire wear and a few rock chips. Drive that sucker!
^^ I think the colors on the Riley roadster really don't do the car justice.that was the first thing thought looking at that car,the red frame is too much. just my $.02