My car sits way too low and I'm wondering how to raise it a bit? I was told by the builder that all I had to do was put longer U-bolts on the axle, but that doesn't look right because then the axle is out of the frame and the shocks would have to longer. Any help appreciated.
Longer U-bolts aren't going to do a thing by them selves, but a spacer over the spring would need the longer U-bolts, and that would. Looks like a strong possibility that you will need a pair of longer shocks too. doesn't look that low too me though.
Need more info and pics my friend. I do not understand how changing Ubolt length would effect ride height.
Looks like a monoleaf spring in the front...maybe he meant to put a raising block in between the crossmember and the leaf....which might mean you have to put longer ubolts on there??? I think you should put some taller tires on there...that'd be the best fix...based on looking at the shots you posted.
After looking at the spring a second time, I see that it looks like a mono leaf spring. That could be replaced whith a regular leaf spring that has a bit more arch and that would probably gain a bit of height too. The shocks do look pretty close to topped out though.
Taller front tires or more arch in the spring may also help. If it isn't gonna scrape the pan I would just drive it and tell everyone that it sits low like that on purpose.
From the phrasing of your question I'm assuming that you purchased the car built or had it built? (not that there is anything wrong with that at all). Is there a reason that the transmission cooler line wanders around like that? Seems like taking a little time a person could come up with a much more workman-like effort. Understand I mean no offense it just looks like someone got in a hurry and that a couple of hours time could net a much cleaner installation.
You also have whats called a reverse eye mono leaf front spring, that helps get the front in the weeds. You could go back to a standard eye front spring. There is always someone who would buy your old spring from you . As Chip mentioned, raising the front up looks like it will call for a longer set of front shocks too, TR
I don't know if its a mono leaf, sort of looks like its just the bottom leaf. Mono leafs usually have a taper, but its hard to see in the pic. Spacers are basically going to be the fix for ya. Whats your concern about it sitting too low? The grille? I do CNC plasma cutting, so I would love to make some 1/4 in. leaf spring spacers for ya
Cooler line stops where it should. Its the brake line into T, and wandering from there. And wiring tied to that. Dodgy. Is axle 4" or 5" drop.
Not to nit pick on your beautiful new ride, but I dont care for that 90* fitting for the trans cooler into the rad. I would prefer to se a nice gradual bend/radius going into and out of the rad cooler. TR
Ok, now I see it, at a fast glance I thought I was seeing the tubing circle completely around and head back the direction it came from. Now I understand what they've done is take up space on a prefab piece of tubing because they didn't want to cut and reflare it. Which kind of goes back to taking the time to make it look more "planned"
It would be nice to see a picture of the whole car. How too low is it? As others have said, either a spacer on top of the mono leaf, or new spring maybe non reverse eye could do the trick.
Thanks for everybody's suggestions. I will take some pictures with the car off of the roll around dollies so that you can see that the steering box and the radius rod bracket where it attached to the frame is only 2" off the ground so they hit the ground pretty easily. Yeah, I'll fix the poor job on the pipe bend.
If you switch your lower shock bracket from side to side it will bring them closer together and may also give you some more up stroke. Not a huge fan of the rack and pinion on a straight axle either. Sounds like you're on the right track. good luck.
I saw that too, but after looking at the pictures and seeing a tie rod in front of the rack, I think it is probably a unisteer single point attachment type which will work okay. Still would rather see a Vega type box just for it's compact size.
Trade that tube axle with a huge drop for one with less drop, that seems to be the problem. Looks like that might be a flat crossmember too, coupled with a big drop, reverse eye mono leaf, that going to be low.
I like the idea of changing the 4" drop tube axle to a crossed drilled on with a 2-3" drop. It will look way cooler and fix your problem. BC
Then you'll have to be aware of the curf of the road as well when you pull over to a curb the center of the grill shell will contact the road.
flip the spring re-arch the spring and a 1" spacer would be easy but the drag link and tie rod need to remain parallel or you will get bump steer, more pics would help, could be like has already been stated, that an axle with less drop would be a good cure.
I'd be giving Vern a call, get him to drop an I-beam to better suit your needs. What size rims/tyres you running. As suggested, bigger profile would certainly assist.
Be careful changing axles if you have rack and pinion... might have some contact with the radius rods. Also if you have (true) rack and pinion you might just think about getting rid of the panhard bar and gey a watts link. you are actually causing bumpsteer with that by using a panhard rod and a rack. watts will keep it centered. It wont look super good but it will handle better and nothing to drag on the ground.
Sure looks like it could be a monospring - that being the case it's adjustable by vitrtue of the packers / spacers that are placed above / below the spring thus altering the ride height. And that's certainly a unisteer, vega replacement rack. It apples steering to one steering arm only, like any cross steer arrangement. The mounting bracket is an ugly sob. They also make a version that lowers the 'rack' one inch - yours might be the lowered version and that wouldn't help with ground clarance issues. Check the distance between the rack end with the steering on full right lock and the bottom of the rail. If it's more than an inch and assuming you have the longer bracket you could swap to the shorter version. Should be a simple nuts and bolts swap. Chris
My hot rod is too low, too loud, and too fast! Wait, its a hot rod.Seriously, mono leafs come with a stack of 1/4 inch spacers, you can change them around, putting all or some on top of the spring.Should be able to raise it enough just by flipping them around. If its a Durant, they sell a low and a super low. Had both, with a small block I prefer a posies multi leaf.