Guys can you help me ID this body? The fenders & frame may not be the correct to the body. The guy said it is 1931 Chrysler but that doesn't look correct to me. Thanks<!-- google_ad_section_end -->
Check out the logo on the rectangular FEDCO plate on the dashboard. It will tell you what it is. It is NOT any type of Chrysler product.
I would but the guy is 150 miles away also he is old and I don't think he can get out to it. His boy is the one that sent the pics and he only comes around every few weeks.
Thats not all , you can see right through the rear lower body as well. Looks pretty much like it,s going back to mother earth.
old pissed off owls make excellent guard dogs..notice how nobody has messed with the thing in 50 years or so? huh?
Yes, it's a KOWLOWL, they were popular cowl decorations back then. Supposed to scare the rats, and rods associated with them, away.
Ther'es not much left of that one but that dash is prime hot rod stuff. I used a 31 Studebaker dash in my 29 roadster and it took very little modification to get it to fit, I'd be all over the dash.
Bwaaahahaha OK it looks to be that rottenleonard is the winner because the guy says it is a Chrysler but unsure of year. And yes it has been sitting for like 30 years. I was looking at it for a pattern to make a door for the Plymouth but thats out. Thanks
I never had fenders to compare, here is a picture of my dash, and the one he posted, same same, I even had the lump of metal on the left, never was sure what it was for.