sorry to hear this man , you have to be a real douche to burn someone s shop and tools and such , hope they catch them and throw the book at em
some of what ws in there i had not started the body work on the flathead t yet but engine was fresh. the bike is my daughters she had painted her self . it will look like that again
.......500 dollar reward to the person who tells me who torched my shop..... ........................................will not call police...... A good crackhead will rat on his friends for 500 bucks,,,thats a lot of meth! I hope you catch these bastards and go to town on them with some pliers and a drill.
some of what ws in there i had not started the body work on the flathead t yet but engine was fresh. the red bike was my daughters she painted it herself. the green was a mini T my youngest daughter and i built out of a wheel borrow tub
Probably a meth head. They had one around here who would break in and steal stuff then burn the place to cover his tracks. He burnt a 100 year old furniture shop down for a few bucks in the petty cash box. They did catch the guy but a few years in jail was not enough punishment for sure IMHO.
No matter what- you just dont touch another mans car. As long as your going to rebuild, here is your excuse to make it better
Dan, sorry to hear that. It really sucks. Hopefully they'll be caught. I say if you catch them, stake them down, and set their hands on fire chrisntx, douchebag
Yup, my home owners insurance only covers the building and my tools, but not my project or any car part.
Now THAT is the way to shut someone up !!! (and I've noticed that the "rodent rod" poster hasn't replied since then, to this thread...) Way to go, and so very sorry for your losses. At least, if I can make the beer can 1/2 full instead of 1/2 empty, no one was hurt. Cars/Bikes/tools can be replaced...people cannot. have my sincere regrets..This happened to me 7-8 years ago..never found the cause ,whether intentional or otherwise,,about 3 weeks after it happened,one of my friends called me on a Sunday around noontime,said I was needed in downtown Jefferson immediately..When I got there ,I found 30-40 rodrod buddies and their cars for a small impromtue car show in my honor and handed me the collections taken( $3000.00)to help me ease the pain of losing everything..GOD BLESS HOTRODDERS
damn bullet boy, after seeing the pics i got pretty damn mad. i know exactly how you are feeling. a friends shop burnt a long time ago with most of my stuff in was arson. this has brought up a lot of feelings i thought i had put to rest. i quess i was wrong. i feel for you brother.when the dust has settled and the smoke has cleared and your ready to get more equipment let me know, ill be glad to donate a thing or 2 to help you get going again.thats what my friends did for me. over 35 yrs ago and i still love them all.i hope they find this pos. soon.before he pulls this shit again.and 26 tudor. great response to the negative get a A+ for that one lol
Sorry for this loss,its really sad but to make it worse if you find who did it they wont have anything .Spend a yr or so in jail and thats it,no where near worth the damage they did.they will have a car,not in there name,never get a real job cause the courts order them to pay. Only work cash jobs ect.There cowards,and the really sad thing is they think there smart.With that said maybe they left a wallet or other id behind.And if its 2 or more people they will never keep there mouth shut,when high they talk.A $50.00 REWARD they would talk.I think youll find them,and i hope the judge left his pantys at home at sentence time...................YG
When I bought my first house there was a small old hardware store that could tell you how to fix anything in the house and what you needed- even sold you just the one part rather than a package full of stuff you did not need to get a single washer. Someone broke in to steal stuff and burned it down to cover it up- they put the older couple who owned it out of business and ruined their retirement as they had no insurance. The two years he served was no match for the damage he caused. Hope your culprit is caught and has the resources that you can sue but seems unlikely he would. My Dad used to magage a restaurant and threw out some kids that were throwing eggs in the parking lot- two of them waited behind the store for when he left to go home and one punched him in the eye, the other stabbed him in the back. Fortunately Dad's leather belt kept the knife from doing much damage. Both were arrested and neither lived long enough to go to trial- So maybe there is something to that karma business. (one was killed in an auto accident- the other shot by police). Jim
So what ever happened with this post? Did the police catch the perpetrator(s)? Was it even reported to the police? The OP had 81 sympathetic responses but never got back with any updates. Maybe it never happened but was merely a plug for the RRR?
been working trying to rebuild and still get the rumble on line . sorry for not updating.i am not big on computors . they called the state in to take over . got lucky on that the head arson guy is a car guy he has a 41 willis and a 55 chevy . so we were not stuck with some strait that does not understand what these cars mean to us. they tell me that it could take awhile but they have suspects . wnd trust me i would never us this a plug for the rumble . . will try and get some pics of the devistation. again get insurance it cant bring it back but it can help rebuild.
I can think of much better things to do than that... Sorry about your shop bro. That is some serious low life shit there...
Same thing hapened to a local ice cream place. Broke in, stole what they could, and burned it to cover their tracks. But they caught them anyways...
well no matter what we are hot rodders and we have spent our lives rebuilding scraps of metal into what we love . now we are just going to rebuild our lives that same way . one leftover piece at a time. lol
again thanks to all the support from all of you . we look forward to seeing a some of you at the Rumble this month
Quote: Originally Posted by chrisntx maybe this is why Nope, just a dipshit, gotta have a brain to hate- that was really uncalled for Sorry for your family's loss- and hope they get the lowlifes that did it