Well, somewhat typical story. Got rid of all my toys in the early 70's to get married (mondo mistake), and raise a couple of brats. Kidding on the brats. They're the only good thing the wife gave me. So, fast forward 40 years, divorced (what the heck took me so long). Now that I can breathe again I want to build a hot rod. So, talking to some of the local guys put me onto the HAMB for some great information. I'm confused on what to build because I like a LOT of styles from customs to race cars. So, I guess I'll keep my mouth shut and look around. Peace
Welcome from the 707.... I think your avatar/model was the one I always wanted as a kid in the early sixties.
welcome from inglewood california. I know how you feel. I wish I could have 1 model of the 50's cars and trucks
I met a new HAMB member this past Saturday. He said he joined on Monday the 19th. Seems you joined that same day also. Welcome aboard.
Welcome from Mayberry (Mt. Airy NC). Hope you enjoy your trip around the H.A.M.B. an I lie you not it can be a trip.
Welcome from sunny Tucson, Arizona. As a suggestion, why don't you post your top 10 cars, let the members who have one of your top 10 list of cars post pictures of their cars, and then let every one else vote on their favorites, it might motivate you in one direction or another!