37-54 Chevy clutch chatter rod kit. Does this really work? I see a diagram ,somehow using long rods to pull the engine either back or using it to make the transmission pull towards the frame? I'm confused. How does it work,or does it work.
I tried it on my '37 Chev, but didn't notice a big improvement. At most it's a band-aid. Usually, the problem is caused bu deteriorated transmission and/or motor mounts. The anti-chatter kits aren't expensive and are easy to install, so give it a try. Just realize that it's NOT a fix and will probably continue to be a PITA.
Chatter is usually caused by a combination of soft motor mounts and a bit of oil on the clutch. both of these take some real effort to fix...so the bandaid fix is a moneymaker for the company that sells it, even if it doesn't really fix the problem.