I have a tear drop eddie meyer air filter with no element,and no one seems to have an element to fit.My question is what do people use as alternatives to the air filter? or do people know if there is an element to place in the air cleaner?..thanks
I would use some foam & mesh wire like marine use. Kook at some of the mesh wire used for house guttering ,easy to work with. Just to keep debris out
Thanks vintageozarks, I have some fine mesh in the air cleaner but I want to filter the air going in of dirt etc. I don't want to restrict air flow so how dense of a foam would you use? I have heard some older guys say they placed steel wool in the filter, but I don't want bits going in my carb, anyone else know of what to do?
How about getting a large panel type filter and modifying it to fit you tear drop? A K&N or one of the parts store type that are washable.
Trade off in being worth while..i don't think you will have enough room for enough filter for enough run time before a small area ends up restricting the air flow..Catch 22..
vintageozarks and ttarver,thanks for replys,motor cycles air filter elements may work i will check that out,also,would AC foam restrict airflow,how thick is it?
Isn't there a thread somewhere about not using foam for a filter, as a backfire will set it on fire? If I'm wrong.....just blame it on my old age.
Just by looking at it,hombres ruin,You could strap it on your face and still get a good night's sleep. Here are some vintage-based filters currently awaiting refinement. Actually, I'd replace the wire grid with diamond-patterned perforated stainless grille (much more restrictive), and would still consider it an open element air cleaner.
You can usually find cheap K&N reusable filters pretty cheap in flea markets. I never pay much because all I want is the filter element. If it's dented or bent...that's great. Wash the element and re-oil it. The late model flat square type as excellent for harvesting filter material. Shape some wire mesh for what you want and cover it with the filter material, oil it and install.
I agree with "Vintage" and think that gutter guard type of wire mesh and foam might do the trick here. Try maybe using something in the range of a 5 x 5 or 8 x 8 wire mesh depending on what type of air flow you want? http://www.mcmaster.com/# or http://www.bwire.com/ Are probably your best bets for this material.