Let's return to the days of yesteryear (like the Lone Ranger), and take back Golden Gardens! Barring that, I think a "TRUE" cruise would be the thing; can you see it, 5000 rods cruising down I-5, I-405, Hwy 99. It would definitely be an eye opener, there'd be a ton of news coverage, sort of an "automotive flash mob" kind of thing. Maybe do this several times throughout the summer and take over a small town, raise money for a charity, anything to make ourselves better known and respected. I can dream. Butch/56sedandelivery.
I say "No" to Dick's drive-in and "No" to the XXX. Too many old mumblers. Let's inject some new blood in the area with HAMB'ers rides and attitude. Georgetown is gold in my book. I'd be happy to bring the old '50 Chebby Slug to the festivities.
no worries, I wasn't getting defensive... I would like to see this get off the ground on the right foot and everyone have a blast... Good luck... will hope to see you there and many more others.... Keep us posted !!!
I hope Walmart in Covington is a go this year, its a big lot with plenty of food nearby. I dont have a ride, but I stroll thru every now and then and check out other peoples rides. Good luck.
JonSSS no to Dick's, no to XXX "too many old mumblers" Hey, we are all car people just trying to have a get-together and create some fun. By your definition, I must be one of those mumblers. And yes, I have an attitude too, especially when I read "too many old mumblers" . Something to think about Jon SSS, most of us "old mumblers" are the real reason the culture is still alive and well. The attitude you have, should be left out on the street with all the import guys. I am proud to be one of the "old mumblers" and hopefully you will appreciate what we "mumblers" bring to the table.
It shares the lot with a grocery store and the lot is huge. Some of us north end guys would frequnt this one!!
I don't know if this is thread hi-jacking or not, but this is a short blurb I wrote for some obscure magazine about 20 years ago. It is 7:00 in the evening, 1953 at the Olive Way Triple XXX in Seattle. The roadsters and coupes start drifting in and parking back on the bank where Nick the owner said we could hang out...A few hot street bikes show up also. I am the envy of many because I am going steady with the best looking car hop working there and that gets me free coffee.... Soon the cars started pairing up for a friendly race at the various little used streets....Bikes are welcome also but they almost always win the street races....They don't fair so well against the cars at the drag strip though... After the evening races, it is time for more grease burgers. One of the biggest events of the evening is after the restaurant closes and all the cars leave it is time for "hot laps".....One car at a time to see who can get around the building the fastest. I quit doing that event when some guys started bringing out street legal track roadsters running alcohol....Eventually the Olive Way barrel closed and everyone moved either to the Rainier barrel or the Ballard barrel....it was never the same though.
I'll drive down from Oak Harbor. I've been to a couple event's in issaquah, but generally that's a bit far for me. Seattle is good and centered. Nothing Good of mine would make it yet, but I'd love to come check out some other member's cars... For the record, I am definately new blood, but I quite enjoy listening to older mumblings, that's where the good stories are.
Thank you Charles Thomas. This "old mumbler" finally remembered one more cruise that happens up north in Snohomish County. Saturday afternoon/evening cruise in, between Albertson's and MacDonalds in the town of Clearview on Hiway 9. Been there a couple of times, the people are nice, and the cars are fantastic. The parking lots holds probably a hundred cars. I believe some of the guys at "Thursday Night Garage Association" can verify all this information.
Clearview on hiway 9 on Saturday afternoon/evening .... gettin ready to head out there in about an hour from now. Also on Saturday Arlington Jack n box just off of Hiway 9 .
Here I am 1 mile from the Clearview cruise in and I totally spaced it. I worked on my 42 ft long Lean to and got it finished. Man was it beautiful outside. It sure felt good to be working outside after this cold wet winter. I wish I'd have gone up to Clearview as it woud have finshed a great spring day. I'll be there the next sunny Saturday for sure!! I actually started the Clearview cruise about 12 years ago on the N side of the parking lot. It died out for a year as it rained or was cloudy every Saturday and then Kent Mcgruder started it back up on the South side.
Why do you say 'Renton crap'? The Harley dealership invited the Maple Valley Street Rats club to bring their Friday night Cruise-In there. I'm to understand that the reason it won't be continuing in Renton is that large parking lot which hosted the cruise-in is now being developed into a car dealership. Don't know if it's been mentioned, nor do I know if it's still being held, but I think the... Burger King?... in Lynnwood was holding a Friday night cruise-in.
The Lynnwood Taco time at on 196th has a Friday night thing. If you like late Mustangs with every aftermarket piece bolted on it's the place for you. No one there knows what a traditional hot rod is. And even if someone was to start something for our kind of cars, after few weeks the new Mustangs would be rolling in and those guys come early. I've driven by Taco Time at noon and they're all set up and I do mean set up.
I like Clearview better than the Taco time. More home built cars and more traditional cars. Not as many Streetrods and a better variety of cars. Plus its only a mile away from my house so if I break down I can push my car there.
I like Albertsons on Friday in Gilbert, the Mesa Riverview or McDonalds at the Pavillions in Scottsdale or the KMart in Mesa on Saturdays then Phils in Fountain Hills on Sunday. Oh wait a minute I'm still in AZ for the Winter. See ya all in May. No flaming please.
I agree the Clearview spot is actually a pretty nice set up and its on highway 9 which is nice for guys with flatties and 3 speeds where freeway driving isn't an option. Its a good size lot with a Mcdonalds, an O'Reilys and an Albertsons all in the same spot. The only drag is it might be too north for the south folks. JohnnyA
stoked for this this year. Hoping to make it down in the 65 Stude! besides that, I am subscribed to this to watch for updates.
Dad's place is just 'round the bend from the Clearview Meet. Maybe I'll see some of you there, unfortunatly without my HAMB-friendly cars, they're all laid-up for a while
we used to drive down, from BC, and cruise Colby street,in Everrett a few years back...I guess that was QUITE a few years ago..lol If it gets going I could bring some BC cars down for the night.. RR
Count me in too, if you get a cruise night going that has the main event as cruising and not just parked in a parking lot. I think it would be a cool event, if you had a cruise strip where some could cruise and some parked on the street along the cruise strip. That would be way more fun then just being parked with everyone sitting in lawn chairs after all didn't we build them to have fun with them.