Just done a engine swap in my buddys 54 pontiac, need to put the hood back on tomarow night and the hood springs look like its gonna be a bitch. Anyone got any good ideas on how to do this?
Stick a bunch of pennies in them to stretch it. Once it's on, lifting the hood will cause the pennies to fall out.
I have a spring tool that I used on my 54 Chevy. If the springs are like the Chevy, I'll loan it to you if you'll pay postage and return it to me.
Stand in front of the car,hook a fan belt on the spring eye and pull,they come right of or go right back on Steve
This doesn't really help you, but it may help the next guy. <iframe src="http://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/c9DHUHLoKwA?rel=0" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" width="420"></iframe>
This home-made rebar tool works GREAT!!!! Search around the Chevy boards for the secs to make it and video on how to use a hydraulic jack to load a new spring onto it. I'd search for you but most sites are blocked for me at work. ~Carl
Thanks cederholm. Ive been looking for the specs on the rod to make. great thread guys! The rod will work to let you blast the spring and shoot some paint on between all of the coils before you put it on.