Hey Zman..are ya plannin to plant that thing on the ground?... if so...inquirying minds wanna know how ya do it !! I've got the same thing but in a Ambulance,it belonged to the local dragstrip since the late 60's. The back is a snap to hammer,what with the unboltable leaf perch's....but the front...OY...i've spent hours staring at it! Easy to get 2 or 3 inches out but i'm looking for about 6 or more(dam those are monster fender wells..eh?) custom spindles or custom axle? let me know if'n ya come up with something brlliant
This is so SAD........... I know you are DEEP in this truck......... Cost of the truck PLUS .. the shipping..PLUS... the $1200........ adds up to a pile of cash in a non driving deal...... Are you planning on driving it to the HAMB drags ??? Hope your LUCK changes...
I'll be driving my '57 Buick to the drags... but I have pedal and I'm taking a day off this week to rewire the truck and get it roadworthy, I'm thinking it only has a top speed of around 55 so for now it'll be used for around town.... I should be driving it around this weekend......
I'm available right after work on Thursday to lend a hand. If nothing else, I'll get to see the '57 on the ground again! That truck is gonna be the shit once you get rolling on it, and it won't have anything to do with luck either. -murph
I'm glad everything worked out with Hans. I can take off a little early on Thursday if you'd like an extra hand (I'd say or someone to yell at but that's the norm). Two thirty sound okay to you? Biscuit
Good luck with the truck Zman and make sure and post progress pics. The Rev is right about getting an old binder on the ground. I have an 57 S-series and like all I-H's the wheelwells are HUGE! I sure am glad to see a few old binders showing up here.Matter of fact thats what brought me out of lurker status. The worst part about owning one is answering the questions about what make it is. By the way,does your hood open from either side like earlier models? Pool
Well today I got home and lit into the International. Started pulling the wiring out in prep for the new harness. Had Biscuit helping me remove the gas tank and found that the floor pans were indeed need to be replaced. Oh and I found the brake leak, it's on one of the through the frame fittings, not sure if it's a bad flare or what, but I'll find out for sure this weekend...
Sorry to hear about the whole mess with your truck. But glad to hear it worked out. If anyone needs a shop checked out for them in Houston, contact me. I love the stacked quad headlights on your I-H!! When I was looking for my truck the I-H was on my short list, but I just couldn't find one and ran across my Apache at a good price for the shape it is in. Those inner door skins are very cool as well. Clean, smple, good looking.
Zman, have you checked out oldihc.org ? I found a wealth of info as well as hard to find parts suppliers. Theres not to many of our style there but a little culture shock might be good for them. Pool