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Event Coverage Royboy Productions Coverage: 2012 Lonestar Roundup

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by travisfromkansas, Apr 16, 2012.

  1. travisfromkansas
    Joined: Mar 23, 2008
    Posts: 2,876


    Firstly, I am going to be late for work in just a couple of minutes so I'll just post the first batch of photos and save the prose for later... Click on any of these to go to the full gallery but as of Monday morning when this is posted I'm only done uploading the photos through Thursday evening so the rest will be coming as soon as I can get them done.

    Thursday night on Congress.











    Bob K!


    That's it for right now for Thursday night, my connection seems slow but there are 11 or so more images still to upload and about 40 total on the page so far between some Instagram silliness and the real shots that are going up. I hope you enjoy the thread, bear with me as I can only work on this when I'm not doing the day job thang.

    See you at a show,

  2. Garrettero
    Joined: May 3, 2011
    Posts: 82

    from Mesa, AZ

  3. travisfromkansas
    Joined: Mar 23, 2008
    Posts: 2,876


    Thanks Bill! Here's part 2, continuing a few stragglers from Thursday night on Congress and moving on to the Garage Crawl on Friday Morning.










    Due to some traffic issues we showed up late to the Garage Crawl, that was fine because we were in the right neighborhood and it's not hard to spot that long line of fantastic rides, so we followed them to Mercury Charlie's shop.






    Just a touch of talent in this group...


    Lots of folks at Mercury Charlie's shop!


    Cars rolling out to the next stop on the crawl.

    Mongo51 wanted to get to the swap meet, and I wanted to get to taking some photos at the show so we skipped the next 2 stops and went to the 4th one, I'll put up a couple of photos from there next post. My lunch break is now over and I need to head back to the office. Stay tuned boys and girls, much much more to come.

    See you at a show,

  4. Model A Mark
    Joined: Apr 30, 2008
    Posts: 1,303

    Model A Mark
    from dallas
    1. Holley 94 Group

    tuned in,
    thanks for posting
  5. hotrd32
    Joined: May 16, 2007
    Posts: 3,563

    from WA

    Thanks for the posts...your images give a little atmosphere to the RU....nice!
  6. ToddJ
    Joined: Jul 11, 2008
    Posts: 1,408

    from Marion, IA

    Thanks for posting the photos, Travis. Sure as hell wish I could have been there. Great pics so far. Looking forward to seeing more!
  7. KCsledz
    Joined: Jun 19, 2003
    Posts: 2,333


    Great shots Travis!
  8. Mr48chev
    Joined: Dec 28, 2007
    Posts: 34,634


    Thanks for posting the great photos.
  9. sololobo
    Joined: Aug 23, 2006
    Posts: 8,383


    Thanx Trav, love the first shot of the C.C. on Congress. That 54 Chevy wagon with the lowered lid is way cool! Thanx again and please post up some more goodness. ~sololobo~
  10. draider
    Joined: Jul 12, 2004
    Posts: 461

    from Texas

    Great pics. Impatiently waiting for the rest...
  11. travisfromkansas
    Joined: Mar 23, 2008
    Posts: 2,876


    Thanks everyone!

    Still on the Friday Garage Crawl we stopped by Jeff's Resurrections in Taylor, TX, on the way to his shop we see this sign atop the old Chevrolet dealership.

    I'll come back and edit those power lines out later...





    Looks like Jeff and crew do a ton of very nice work, just not all of it is H.A.M.B. material, click on any of these photos to see more of the cars under construction at Jeff's Resurrections.

    Then it was about a 25 minute drive back towards Austin to the Lonestar Roundup at the Travis County Expo Center.










    That's it for this post, tons more on the way, I'll try to put a couple of more posts up tonight, as always click on any of these photos to go to the entire gallery, it will be updated until all of the shots are up!

    See you at a show,

  12. marodder62
    Joined: Nov 10, 2005
    Posts: 178


  13. marodder62
    Joined: Nov 10, 2005
    Posts: 178


    Forgot to add text. Does anyone have a better picture of the linkage on model A?
  14. travisfromkansas
    Joined: Mar 23, 2008
    Posts: 2,876


    Part 3-ish? I don't remember.
    Uploading now about 80 more shots to the site, from Friday at the Travis Co Expo Center.










    More Bob K





    Voodoo Jim



    Finkd (Jeff Myers) 63 Galaxie



    That's the photo limit for this post I'll get another group of shots up and I'll get you all a new post here.

    See you at a show,

  15. travisfromkansas
    Joined: Mar 23, 2008
    Posts: 2,876


    Ok, Part 4...

    Still Friday and still in the first area of the show. This was my favorite part of the show, some great cars, and because of the grassy area they were in they were not parked so rigidly along parking lot lines.
















    The Car Corral section had some cool rides for sale like this one





    That's it for tonight, I'm beat, time for bed.

    See you at a show,

  16. travisfromkansas
    Joined: Mar 23, 2008
    Posts: 2,876


    Part 5
    Stopped and talked with the Lonely Knights of Colorado for a bit, they'd just come from Viva the previous weekend and had a special guest rolling with them, more about that in a minute.





    Here's the special guest. A Merc picked up in NJ, shipped to Australia, converted to RH drive and kustomized a bit more, then shipped back to the states to hit Viva and Roundup as part of a good ol' fashioned American Road Trip. Damn cool car, I wish I had the opportunity to meet the owner too.
















    That's it for now, heading off to work, have a great day folks!

    See you at a show,

  17. travisfromkansas
    Joined: Mar 23, 2008
    Posts: 2,876


    Part 6-

    Still at the show on Friday, still loving being at this show and in Austin in general, being back home today makes me miss Austin...











    Hmmm it's for sale, do I tell my dad or not, he's got himself just about every other Chevy truck that's been for sale in the history of man...

    Lots of work here

    I was infatuated with this tall beauty...


    Pure awesomeness, seeing it driving down Congress was equally as awesome.






    That's it for this lunch hour post. The last batch of photos from the weekend are going up on the site now, click any of the above photos to go and view the entire gallery.

    See you at a show,

  18. hotrodpodo
    Joined: Jun 28, 2006
    Posts: 1,301


    Great stuff Travis! Thanks for taking the time.:cool:
  19. travisfromkansas
    Joined: Mar 23, 2008
    Posts: 2,876


    Part 7

    Wow I take too many photos... But I do it all for all of you that can't make it. Thanks Dan!

    And on to the show...





















    That's it for this part, more in just a few, if you guys want more let me know, it does take a little time to post them.

    See you at a show,

  20. travisfromkansas
    Joined: Mar 23, 2008
    Posts: 2,876


    Part 8













    And on to Saturday!








    See you at a show,

  21. Bodger45
    Joined: Jun 25, 2009
    Posts: 371


    Nice shots, I gotta try and make it next year! Thanks for posting.
  22. Travis,what garage crawl did you go on? The one I went on didn't go to Taylor.
  23. TexasSpeed
    Joined: Nov 2, 2009
    Posts: 4,631

    from Texas

    Nice coverage! It was also great to meet you at the party.

    See you around these parts.
  24. Awesome job, as always!
  25. travisfromkansas
    Joined: Mar 23, 2008
    Posts: 2,876


    The instructions that I got sent us there, and they were expecting people lol I don't know anything more than that!

    I should say I just had my copilot read off the addresses to me and we put them in the GPS to see where to go, we wanted to skip a couple to get to the show early, that was one of the last ones on the page that I was handed outside of Mercury Charlie's.
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2012
  26. travisfromkansas
    Joined: Mar 23, 2008
    Posts: 2,876


    Yes you do and thanks!

    Nice to meet you too!

    Thanks! I always look forward to your blogs, thanks for checking out this thread.
  27. bodyman
    Joined: Aug 16, 2005
    Posts: 152

    from east tx

    [​IMG] anyone know who owns this car ? i love the chop
  28. Butch M
    Joined: Oct 14, 2008
    Posts: 1,639

    Butch M

    Travis your the best great shots thanks.......
  29. GaryB
    Joined: Dec 19, 2008
    Posts: 3,529

    from Reno,nv

    great pics,thanks for posting
  30. travisfromkansas
    Joined: Mar 23, 2008
    Posts: 2,876


    Part 9er...
    Still on Saturday, the show got huge both in cars and spectators, finding good shots without random people in the background became harder, but that's the name of the game when trying to cover a show...

    And what a colorful show it is!




















    Okay that's it for tonight I'm needing some shut eye, See you at a show,


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