HAMB member NealinCA is featured in the new Street Rodder. A great tech article with Neal showing how he modifies one of his Hudson steering boxes to go in a 32 Ford frame. Congrates.
Neal does really remarkable work without resorting to much high tech stuff. Well, I guess not ANY high tech stuff.
Hudson steering box? How long does take to find one of them? That pickup is one of my favorite HAMB builds, and the shade of green is perfect. Bob
Congrats Neal. Haven't bought that mag in a very long time but an actual "how to" that doesn't involve buying a kit from one of the advertisers will have me giving it another look see. Terry
I am glad that they are making an effort to run some home brewed stuff like this in the magazines...but I guess that is why most of us are here on the HAMB... Neal
Street Rodder showing how to build an old car from old car parts!! What is the world coming to?? Their advertisers are going to be seriously annoyed at this idea being leaked! Neals tech articles on the HAMB consistently average 5.7 times (I measured carefully) better than those by anyone usually working for SR. He could have a career writing about what he does, but IDIDIT and Flaming River have probably already assassinated him.
Bruce...you crack me up. I guess people do like these things...maybe FR will start making them new... Neal
Congrats Neal, home brewed is what this is about, as good as the best and better than the rest. Beautiful boxes! Thanx bro. ~sololobo~
Great article that I need to study more. The hard part as Chris said previously is finding the Hudson steering box and after seeing the photos above I can tell why we can't find any.
Yeah--pointless tech, since Neal has every surviving Hudson box (except the one Rumbleseat is running) in his basement! Beautiful pictures...gonna go get Street Rodder and see more!
Yes Neal definatly is a legend, he has helped me no end regarding a Hudson box for my build, a truely nice guy. After alot of searching (RHD Hudson boxes are like hens teeth over here) I finally managed to track one down,But instead of brazing on a new mount I have machined a flanged sleeve which clamps up with 2 cap screws which are releived slightly into the the snout coming out of the box preventing any possible sideways movement.Different idea, same result.
There are going to be some mighty pissed off Hudson owners out there, who can't find a steering box now they're all about to be snapped up by rodders! Also, Street Rodder can afford to have a few non-paying features now they're running all those tri-Chevy and late model ones!