I hauled the roadster home from Steve's earlier this week. I'm really happy with all the work he and his guys did sorting out the chassis plus taking care of a bunch of other little pain in the ass problems. Thanks again and there are biplane rides with your names on them whenever you're ready. Anyway the car is home now and I'm ready to get wired, plumbed, etc. All the rest of stuff to get it driving. I'd been planning on using a 32 commercial grill shell that I'd picked up, but today just for fun, I slipped the model A shell on to see what it looked like. I'm kind of digging the A grill. Thoughts?
Sorry, i cant vote. I like them both equally. The A shell looks nice and shiny, while the 32, once painted will look nice to. How about you run them both, just alternate them around, and keep your friends confused?
Nothing makes a better improvement on a A than dressing it up with a B shell ... hang the stainless grill on the wall. BTW ... I cant vote, multible felonies.
You do know that I think all Hot Rods need full hoods, right? That stock '31 shell looks good to me, i just can't see a '32 commercial shell on anything other than a pick up. Bob
31 grills are harder to find than 30 grills. use that 31 grill it looks goood! paint the 32 grill hang it on the wall.
The A grille. Whats the dealio on the spreader bar? Is it wing strut material or oval tube? Kinda like it.
the 31 grill is very nice , keep it , and like badshifter says tell us about the wild spreader bar , thats super nice , great car
Thanks for all the input. The spreader bar is something I made up from some scraps of streamlined tubing I had in the shop.
'31 shell, without a doubt. The truck grill just looks wrong unless it's.... well, on a truck. Theres way to many model a's with 32 grills. Start a movement and put a model a grill where it belongs. Love the car by the way.
Use the A shell... Commerical grills look great on the wall... But A grills do to.... I kinda like the idea of alternating them
I have a bias that influences my vote. On the other hand, for YOUR car you should use the '31 shell and send me the '32 commercial as compensation for the good advice so I can match my '30 coupe to my roadster. The other entertaining thing you can do with the commercial is park next to a passenger grilled car ...............really confuses those who don't have the eye to tell the difference.
Im drunk as hell Just got back from a wedding but still I love to see 32 grille shells on model a's Even truck shells ...Goodnight Im about to pass out
Jeez Mark is almost 50 50 on the vote, how cool people like both I prefer a passenger car deuce grill but I'm with run the A & get a pass deuce I'm not keen on the commercial , even on a commercial , but I'm odd anyway
I'm with hellbentrodder. If you're talking 28-9 body, I think it looks better with a stock grille shell, but those 30-31 bodies seem to really evoke that hot-rodded look with a 32 grille.