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Official Vintage Torque Fest Thread May 4-5 2012

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by coolstuff, Jun 10, 2011.

  1. von zipper
    Joined: Nov 23, 2008
    Posts: 1,015

    von zipper

    I agree! We're lined up for next year already!
  2.'s hard to go back to the reality of the real world after a show like this !'ll be hard to top.
  3. bobwop
    Joined: Jan 13, 2008
    Posts: 6,134

    from Arley, AL

    just wait until October in Woodstock, IL!
  4. I just got home 16 1/2 hours!
    it was an awesome show definitly worth the ride.
    hell just blasting around the track on my mini bike for 45 minutes was cool
    hopefully next year I can get somebody else to copilot the henry j out there!!!
    anybody got pictures of the minibikes on the track?
  5. ToddJ
    Joined: Jul 11, 2008
    Posts: 1,408

    from Marion, IA

    What a fantastic show! Man, I had a blast! Big thanks to John, Kim, the Coronados C.C. and all the volunteers for putting on a killer show! Ed!!! Glad you made it to the show! It was good seeing you! Good to hear ya made it home safe!
  6. justabeater37
    Joined: Jan 1, 2009
    Posts: 1,773


    Ed how fast did you drive? You told you had a 19 hour trip and you took 2 1/2 hours off. Nice to meet you even for a minute Sunday morning at the hotel. Glad you came out.
  7. well every one of those speed checkers before the construction sites was flashing very fast and saying 75 to 80 but when I seen the sign I would slow down to the 45 mph it requested. And cool meeting you sorry I didnt stay but the rain was coming and I stayed in front of it the whole time.
  8. KustomCars
    Joined: Jul 31, 2011
    Posts: 3,568

    from Minnesota

    Great Show! Had fun and the food was also great!
  9. Whitetrash31
    Joined: Mar 23, 2011
    Posts: 29

    from Illinois

    Please tell me your joking about that airbrushed portrait.... That thing shoulda went for crazy money... The one time i dont go up there n watch the auction, the piece i wanted goes really cheap..!!! Which item brought the most money???
  10. coolstuff
    Joined: Oct 14, 2006
    Posts: 3,686

    from Bettendorf

    before anyone starts complaining on the HAMB about how we just let anything in the show - we TRIED to get this right this year.......
    there were some inspectors on Friday that were giving the red "OK to park in the Torque Fest parking area" to street rods, stockers, and yes...the dreaded RR word. I went out and talked to the inspector and he apologized and admitted that it was indeed he that put the red sticker on there. I did this after driving past a pinkish street rod complete with late 80s wheels and neon squiggle on the side.
    I stopped and asked the driver of the street rod if he would mind parking in the Coronados Classic and Chrome section of the show and he did not have a problem with it. HE understood what the show was about and was there to have a good time and did not mind parking in his alotted section of the show.
    This is why we need HAMB members to show up and inspect cars....I simply do not have the ability to do this. I am being pulled 33 different directions.
    On Saturday we announced on FB that we would be RE INSPECTING cars.
    Because the Bombers were there in FULL FORCE baby!!!!
    They did an amazing job......
    and the only cars that got in the Torque Fest section were ones that snuck in......
    I had asked for our roll off trash dumpster to be parked strategically to plug a giant hole .......but it did not happen.....
    BECAUSE the trash people that were supposed to be there on Thursday by noon - still were not set up by Friday at noon. So I personally apologize for some of the cars that you may see at the show that were NOT period correct.
    Ultimately - this show is about having a good time and raising money for the foundation.
    Thanks for understanding and know that we put everything into the show.
    I hope that the haters will be shouted down by the many friends and supporters of the show. I simply dont have time to defend each case, and I have to get to work on Iron Invasion.
    I will be at the Rust Revival - you can yell at me there about all the crap rods that were at our show.......
    or you can look at life in a positive way and say - We had an amazing time and can't wait for next year.
    I know I am looking forward to it.
  11. coolstuff
    Joined: Oct 14, 2006
    Posts: 3,686

    from Bettendorf

    Sam - I love you man - you are the best - Thanks for being on top of the swap meet from the very beginning - looks like next year we may only do PRE REG for the swap!?
    We were overflowing man!!!
    Tin Butchers have been down with our cause BEFORE the show ever started and we truly appreciate it!
  12. coolstuff
    Joined: Oct 14, 2006
    Posts: 3,686

    from Bettendorf

    some of the Rat Finks went WAAAAY too cheap.
    I guess we have too much going on....
    but overall the auction was a success - we raised $12K for the Hannah Wells medical trust. We had to spend over $18K on medical expenses in the past 12 months ....and this is a healthy year. No surgery or hospital stays. Just the routine checkups, x rays, medication, etc.
    So thank you all for coming and bidding on these pieces.
    The BigToe piece was the highest piece.
  13. TooManyFords
    Joined: May 21, 2008
    Posts: 553

    from Peotone IL

    before anyone starts complaining on the HAMB about how we just let anything in the show - we TRIED to get this right this year.......
    there were some inspectors on Friday that were giving the red "OK to park in the Torque Fest parking area" to street rods, stockers, and yes...the dreaded RR word. I went out and talked to the inspector and he apologized and admitted that it was indeed he that put the red sticker on there. I did this after driving past a pinkish street rod complete with late 80s wheels and neon squiggle on the side.

    John, I was there last year and the percentage of RR were way down this year. I think overall the inspectors did a much better job. (I would not want that job) We had a great time.
  14. cspencer
    Joined: Mar 24, 2008
    Posts: 15

    from Pella.IA

    not try n to be a pain in the ass but i wouldnt mind knowing your thoughts on the rat fink i painted and welded up for the action! i did hear that it was one hell of a turn out and a good time. hope to make it next year
  15. Gearhead Graphics
    Joined: Oct 4, 2008
    Posts: 3,887

    Gearhead Graphics
    from Denver Co

    Before anyone bitches, wasnt it to raise money for a good cause? RRods and street rods paid to enter, when the bottom line is raising money and helping out medical bills who cares who helps.
  16. LynchMOB
    Joined: Nov 29, 2010
    Posts: 77


    For anybody that uses Flickr....

    I created a Flickr Group for Torquefest...

    I would consider it an honor if you would join and add any shots from the show from any year. The group has no size limit please add as many pictures as you would like.

    Thank You,
  17. That welded up rat fink was very cool! Was gunna bid on it but went to take a pee n missed it! Bought Ace Finkley very cool n bought air brushed Roth n stole it cuz everyone was snoozing! Couldnt blame me! John n Kim love you guys like family! And JOHN you can BREATHE now lol!
  18. jasonp
    Joined: Sep 18, 2007
    Posts: 706

    from Aurora,IL

    My first time there and had a blast!!!! Will be back next year for sure, even though I lost a hubcap on the way there, that Mr. semi truck driver was kind enough to crush for me
    Joined: Dec 1, 2005
    Posts: 97

    from IL

    Killer show!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will never mis another, real good vibes, good people.
  20. Hellfish
    Joined: Jun 19, 2002
    Posts: 6,732


    We had the same complaints every year after the Pileup. Most of the complaints come from people who have never tried to screen nearly 1000 cars in 2 hours. Sometimes it takes a few years to really get your show audience/attendees, inspectors and organizers all on the same page for what's expected. The Bombers did a fine job. The Tin Butchers also did a great job with the swap. John, all of your hard work really showed. It was an incredible show... even better than last year.

    If this show was any indication, I can't wait for your Run Whatcha Brung Drags in September and the Iron Invasion in October.
  21. Whitetrash31
    Joined: Mar 23, 2011
    Posts: 29

    from Illinois

    Well i had fun even though i didnt get anything from the auction.... Still had a blast cant wait til next year... John i am glad i dont have to go thru what u do at one of these shows but no matter what its still a great time and everything goes to a good cause...
  22. Another good show under your belt John. We all had a good time and it was nice to see some of my friends from across the country. Next up is the Rust Revival in two weeks!!!
  23. MaClutch
    Joined: Oct 4, 2009
    Posts: 81

    from Midwest

    Good times with GREAT FRIENDS I don't get to see often enough!!!
    And I love the Rat Fink I won by Tetanus Shot!!
  24. Cory, your Rat Fink went to Rick at Macs Ratz in Red Oak for about $370 but he gave $400 for it. You did a great job on that!!
  25. Russco
    Joined: Nov 27, 2005
    Posts: 4,329

    from Central IL

    Thanks for a great time AGAIN! Awesome job to all involved. The Swap meet was the best around here. and the Bands and extra activities were grea.t Thanks again
  26. Can't wait for iron invasion. Thanks again John for a great show. We got to add Iowa to the magnet collection.

    Attached Files:

  27. Speed~On
    Joined: Apr 28, 2011
    Posts: 1,677


    I would like to take this opportunity to send out a HUGE THANK YOU to some folks that came to my rescue at Torque Fest. Before Saturday I had never met these two men. They took a good chunk of their Saturday to assist me in performing a little surgery on my car.

    I made the 2 1/2 hour drive to the show and my car ran like a champ. As I pulled into the event I made my way through the fairgrounds and found a place to park. As I was about to put my car in reverse it suddenly died. I tried to restart the car but it would not fire. I put the car in neutral and some folks pushed me into a parking spot. I thought to myself, "I sure am glad I packed a bag of tools!" My car was not getting spark. In short order some nice guy walked over with a test light. A little testing proved my coil was good. After a few simple tests we surmised the distributor was the problem....not good since I am running a Pertronix. Damn, I don't have a spare Pertronix with me nor do I have a spare set of points!
    (Yeah I know....LESSON LEARNED!!!)

    Word got out pretty quickly that there was a hot rodder down and in need of some help. As luck would have it a man by the name of Gene O. from Ft. Attkinson, WI was at he show. He is a retired Master Mechanic that also happens to specialize in distributors. We then met another outstanding man; Rich C. from the Coronados C.C. (Maquoketa, IA)
    We explained to him that I was having distributor problems. Although Rich was super busy helping with the event he immedialty dropped everything and said, "Come with me". We jumped in his car and we were off to the auto parts store. I'm thinking...what are the chances they're going to have a set of points. Sure enough they did, Rich even got me a fricken discount. On the way back to the fair grounds we stopped by his house for some additonal wires and connectors.
    Once back at my car the three of us pulled the pertronix (which indeed was fried) and changed it back to points. Others noticed us working on the car and came over with tools and offered their assistance as well. That's our hobby rodders looking out for their fellow hot rodders. As soon as the points were in I turned the key and my engine instantly came to life.

    As I was driving home I kinda chuckled and thought to myself, "well if a guy is gonna break down Torque Fest is not a bad place to have it happen".

    I always carry tools with me in the event something goes wrong. Pay it foward. If I ever see a hot rodder in need of assistance I am there with my tools to offer what help I can. But I'll tell ya, it's a damn good feeling when others offer to help when yer sittin there broke!!!!
    Last edited: May 7, 2012
  28. Stick Shift
    Joined: Oct 2, 2005
    Posts: 2,558

    Stick Shift
    from LENA IL

    Awesome show. Lots of things happening so there was never a dull moment. I had a really good time this year. Thanks to everyone.
  29. Torkwrench
    Joined: Jan 28, 2005
    Posts: 2,730


    John, Thank you and everyone involved in putting on The Torquefest, for such a great show. I had an excellent time. Haven't missed one yet, so I'll be going next year, too.

    Inspecting and OKing cars has to be one of the toughest jobs there is. To do so correctly, a person requires an extensive knowledge of the history of hot rod and customs. Not only do they need to know what is correct for all traditional eras and styles, but they also need to know the non-traditional styles as well, (in order to recognise what is not allowable). In addition this person needs to have good diplomatic skills, so that anyone who is turned away will understand why this occured and not be upset. Thsi job is difficult for regular sized shows. It is ENORMOUSLY TOUGH for a show the size and quality of The Torquefest.
  30. bobwop
    Joined: Jan 13, 2008
    Posts: 6,134

    from Arley, AL

    Gene Olson is an old hotrodder and drag racer. He is a great friend of mine. His son, Gene Junior, is also my friend and he is the manager of the local NAPA chain.

    Both are avid Buick lovers and each have Buick streetrods. Senior's was at TF. It is a 39 and is painted a pink/purple color.

    Senior builds distributors for Buick nailhead engines using late model Chevy components. He sells them all over the world.

    You were assisted by one of the finest hotrodders I have ever met.

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