I hear that My Classic Car finally ran the episode with my Buick today. The filmed it last August. Got a call today that it aired, but I was on the road and missed it. Anyone see it? Did I look like a Douchebag(tm)? Anyone tape it? I think it wil be on again thursday. Damn. Oh well... Spike
Yeah, I saw ya! It was a pretty long interview. I said to my wife, "Hey, I know that car!" Congrats man. Did Dennis Gage let you touch his moustache?
Anyone tape it? Clark's TV blowing up that is...And, no, Dennis has a "no touch" clause in his contract. Mazdaslam- Deuchebag is a state of mind. we don't even have shirts or fancy jackets.....yet. Spike
Yup...Thats the one. according to the website, they're re-running it on Thursday night at 8:30. Maybe I'll catch it then. Spike
My only question was whether he tried to whittle a gearshift knob out of virgin Oak. I hear nobody's ever seen Dennis and that "Original WoodSmith" guy from PBS in the same room at the same time. Either way, I'll gear up to catch you on the rerun. Congrats.
Could you paint my truck to match your ahhh, ex-car? Your just sooooo talented and famous now. ya big Douche Bag
Naw i saw ya on The news. Said you were caught with your paints down, in CT raping a little sheep.. The farmer was pissed....
Hey Spike. How's it going? In case you didn't know and don't want to wait till thursday...it's airing again after midnight tonight 12:30 am.
Hey Spike, I saw part of it. I'm recording it at 12:30 so I have it to make fun of you all the time Did you ever sell it?
Geeez and we knew you when you were just a primed coupe drivin' regular guy. Thought I saw you in East Hartford but it truned out to be another funny lookin' guy with too many cameras. Now that you're famous can we still call you Spike? (the other) Dennis
It'd be pretty hard to look like a douchebag next to that rediculous moustache that dude's got. THAT, looks like a.......................
Just saw the show - it was on from 12:30 -1:00 here. I've got it recorded on my Media Center. If no one else has it recorded for you maybe I can figure out how to make a DVD of it for you. Anything for a Big Kahuna Let me know.
Yeah Brian, If you can figure it out, that would be great. I caught the 12:30 show, but I screwed up taping it. It didn't record for some reason. So, there ya go. I can't bust on Dennis because I can't even make OLD technology work.. ha ha ha. I looked like a douchebag. At least the Speed Channel logo is covering my face most of the time. They also covered the "Mystery car" of Mike Accerra. I shot that car for TRK (Issue #1) right down the street from the show earlier that Spring. Oh well, my 15 mins. are up. Next. Spike
I flipped to the Speed Channel just in time to catch the middle of your segment, I thought I had seen the Buford before, very nice ride. I don't know if you looked like a douche bag or not, I was too busy watching the goofy looking guy on the left. Wonder if his wife rides him like a motorcycle............dammn......now I've got that image in my head for the rest of the day. -slacker
Dat's it for you Spike, your outta the Pack Rats. They've only got room for 1 rockstar fuggin douche bag in the club. And we all know who that is. hehe
what a douchebag. ever see that All in the Family episode where archie does the "man on the street" interview on the walter cronkite...his TV breaks.....classic....