Again,... sorry if this has been posted before,... But I really dug this film when I seen it for the first time today,.... Building a New Ford in 1934,... Enjoy !
I liked this one, Streamlined..... <iframe width="640" height="480" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
I really enjoy seeing film like this of the Industrial Revolution. You can argue that those folks worked there tails off, or that the factories belched too much pollution but this is how America was made, with quality raw materials, productive factories, and products to stand the test of time. Stuff like this should be required viewing on every young kids Iphone, Ipad, PS3, Gameboy etc.
It answered some of mine "how in the hell did they do this on the line" questions thanks for the post.
AWESOME! In the 34 video what were the guys forging, it showed them flipping a long something over and over in a forge/press?
i couldnt figure out what that was either. it looked like it had three different dies on one of them. i love how they whip that molten metal like a garden hose!! im always so impressed on the machines and tools that were used that so few of guys have ever seen..
I saw rough cams being fordged and what you were talking about Chris, maybe con-rods? at least that's what they looked like to me!