Well,the quarter window looks a bit too small for my eyes too. Is there any photoshop guys around? Maybe they could help you,if you are going to change it. Well,i guess everyone has some kind of setbacks with their builds,so dont worry about it. Keep it up!
Hey Fitz , thats what I am thinking as well . I have the two rear side windows from the 52 chev that the rear window come from so I have lots of factory formed rear side window between those and the Buick as well . I will be stretching that opening. The more I look at it the more I am convinced it needs done . Andy I like that view as well Grant . I agree that it makes it look fat as well . I dont care if I have to cut it all back out to make it look dead on right . Theres no timeline on this build 2 more years 3 , dont matter , later Andy... If anybody who is viewing this thread and wants to alter my window opening by stretching it a bit by all means have at it . I would appreciate a visual . I wish it wasn't such a large setback but oh well thats what customizing is all about . Major reconstruction of large structual areas will result in the odd screw up once in a while . Einestine said so in his theory of realitivity . I see Finn that you are moving along on your shoebox as well . Looks good friend . Andy
I must be in the minority here, 'cause I LIKE the small window. Be better if it was centered though.....Neat build!
We are all on the same page just in different paragraphs on it LOL . To center the window I would have to either fatten the B pillar which would look terrible or stretch it which will be the way to go . I think I will lean the B pillars as well . This will have a great effect on the look of the side profile as well ( Should have done that in the first place ). What is your current car that you have Wagon ? Thanks , Andy..
Thanks! Just a suggestion,start a new thread for photoshop help.I guess you can reach better the photoshop folks in here by that way.Slanting the B-pilars would help too with side profile..
OahuEli does awesome photoshop work..slip him a pm and say you are are friend of mine, I am sure he will help out!He did quite a few renderings for me, check out his albums some of his work is posted there.
I think the chop looks great with the fat sail panel.. Looks more like a mid to late 40s style chop on a 50's car. IMO
Thanks Finn the pillars will get the slant this fall coming seeing that I have a better door than the right side on the car now I wil be changing the door anyways . I will do that and I will mention your name as well . Racerdad is good at it as well and also JamesD . Andy.. I never thought of that Troxin you may be on to something there . I will still slant the pillars though. Thanks Kustom
Andy, one with side glass longer, one with side glass longer and slanted B pillar, one with slanted B pillar only. Just some quickies as I am at work right now so had to hammer them out fast. If you think the window is to long now let me know and I will redo it.
Looking great Andy!! Keep it up your gonna have a sweet sweet ride there!! I'm liking the that short back window!
hay nice work.. It looks better all ready.. was thinking that the top of the back window could go back straight for a bit then roll down.still looks thick on the roof above window.
Thanks Doug it looks good to me . If you can lets see the rendition that Fitzee suggested . That being that the rear side glass be more horizontal before swooping down . This will make the roof narrower through the C pillar . See what you can do . Thanks , Andy..
Thanks . I am like a kid in the candy store I dont know what I like best in the 3 renderings . Now look Doug , I am perplexed again !!! Kinda liking the no slant and longer window . ???
That also could be the fact that the driprail is missing it this time so there is nothing for your eyes to focus on except how wide it looks . Does that sound logical ? Or maybe I am just full of shit , Who knows LOL !! Andy..
Ya no drip rails tend to make the roof look thicker.. thats why I like drip rails! so does that make you not full of shit!! ahhh?? lol
A lot of great ideas here! Andy! What you have accomplished here is just amazing. I agree that something is going on with the side view, but I think I'll gonna stick my neck out and suggest that you Take out 2 more inches out of the c-pillar and move it forward 5" or so. Leave the side window the way it is! That will give the rear a heavier look. To make it even heavier you can even extend the rear fender 5 - 10" Don't get me wrong I love your work. I thing what you do is fantastic! Klause Sent from my iPhone using TJJ app
Kuztom I am not sure I get what your saying I am assuming it involves removing the rear window again pulling everything forward and this would diminish the thickness of the C pillar . If I elongate the side rearglass opening it will remove some of the bulkyness as well . Question is which is the better of the two evils ?? Racerdad I hope , will indulge me one more time with a photoshop job on the side . Thanks for the positive comments as well Klause . Andy...
Andy, You are definitely making good progress on your ride. I like the last design from Racrdad with the larger rear window. Add to that a slanted pillar and that would look killer. Keep up the great work!! Dale
And with slanted B pillar. I think the side window now looks to long with the slanted B pillar though??? Might just be me as I am not often a fan of slanted B pillars.
Andy, I agree with kuztomklaus, move the C pillar forward and lay that catwalk back down so it flows with the trunk. just my $.02 rob
Nice work Doug. Andy, you're one helluva chop-it-by-my-damn-self car guy! I trust your judgement, even if you are full of shit.
Geesh you guys think I got nottin but time ??? LOL I am leaning more to taking it all apart again and starting over when I get all these small summer jobs out of the way . Like I said if it aint right , it aint right . The catwalk thing is a big fuck up because of the 52 chev window . The more it lays down the more it drops down past the body line . Lots of shit to think of on these chops I am learning. Rob you mentioned the catwalk before and I tried to get it right but that window is really fucking with me . I want to retain the beltline trim and this was the only way I could . But if I have to lose it or shorten it than so be it . Time will tell . I will hit up Doug again to see if he can photoshop the look that we can all live with because the more I look at the rear catwalk that I built into it the more it dont look right . Doug if your there do your thing man . Let your creative juices flow , clean slate Andy..
I'm not skilled in photoshop, so I printed out a pic of your car and then used scissors and tape! that's the reason for the poor quality picture! I'm sure you get the idea though! Sent from my iPhone using TJJ app
I get it and thanks for taking the time to do this . Much appreciated . Racerdad if you are seeing this photoshop away my friend . Thanks guys . Andy..