I am looking for a price, source for some white wall street slicks, something with a groove or two that is DOT approved, do these exist? Would need to be 15's and also be going on a rim 8 inches wide. Anyone make preproductions? I am thinking an overall height of 26-28 inches. Please advise, thanks.
You have been hybernating right? Cocker should have them plan on about 200-300 a tire. Hurst sells them as well if I am not mistaken. Price range should be compairable. I am sure that the other fellas can add to the list.
Here's another source. http://www.towelcityracingtires.com/ Look in the vintage section. I've heard they will do white wall also.
I believe the Hurst's are generally recaps and the sidewalls are from light truck casings which have the mold of DOT in them, wether the rating applies or not, they have been a good tire for me.
towelcity has some good prices...do they make them in white walls? didnt see them there just saw...it is optional!
Ummm, I believe optional means they will make them Looks like $40 additional each and they show one on the bottom of the "Cheater Slick" page. Marcy
This thread although short has opened up some new information on Cheater sticks. Good thread and good answers. Now someone needs to give Towel City a try and get back to us with the results.
I've got a pair of Towel City on my 31 Chev. Good looking tire, but not DOT. If you want driveability & ride, you really need a DOT tire.
Jimmy are they a cap on a radial carcass or a complete tire. I was actually thinking of running the other cheater without the pie crust on my Stude. Oh yea do they hook?
Another spot is Jeg's....they have the Firestone's http://www.jegs.com/i/Coker+Tire/257/623048/10002/-1
I think Cody can take any new dot approved tire and add a whitewall to it. Besides its family Owned and made in the USA. FED