i loved that maroon buick, it was perfect. i did not realize that buick made a model without port holes.
It was such a beautiful day - couldn't ask for greater weather that morning. I put up a bunch of photos on Woodbury-Middlebury Patch and if you want to add your photos to the gallery, that would be great. Here's the link: Woodbury Lions Club Antique Car Show at Hollow Park There's an "upload photos" feature so if you don't see your car or were an attendee with photos to share, feel free!
Bob , Charlie Hipp knew of this car in early 1970's when restoring his. John Royals was the owners name and i take it the son has it now. Very rare 25 louver hood [late 1932] and he had a original top boot. I like the 1932 tan roadster with the tall water pumps and 21 stud motor [1932-36] .Man if that engine did not run hot? So Bob ,the37kid [Ridgefield Conn.] i am hitting the Grand Nationals in Tenn. next week with the 180A.
Motor runs 160-190 depending on speed. It will idle at 160 all day! Did you guys notice on the Hipp 32 the optional ashtrays in the door panels?
ct1932ford , ,,,,The picture of the ash tray was the black 1932 at the show. When Charlie started restoring his 32 the ash trays were selling [IF YOU CAN FIND THEM] $350.00 a pair..[Charlie made one and found one. That was late 70's price. I found the early n.o.s. distributor cap [early pull out oiler like the Model A] and that was $375.00 back then. The most Charlie paid for a part was the n.o.s. complete radio [$1,500] .Anyone who has a old EARLY FORD REPRODUCTION parts book by Dick Spadaro ,,,Charlies car is on the cover. Charlie sold his 32 to put into his businessin the late 90's and about a year ago the car sold by a third owner for $125,000.00[ that day really sucked after working on that car for 7 years].
That last sale price on Charlie's '32 speaks well for the quality of his restoration, seams like yesterday that he finished it. Same can be said of your '30 Roadster Peter, time sure is marching by.
Sorry , no on the deluxe roadster [ open car] no windows... And i don't know why... I do know i heard why the 1932 ash trays are rare.. Not to many smokers[so no need for them] and people kept hitting them so they were chucked out the window... stories i heard... over the many early years. I think they were also in the deluxe tudor sedans[back seat].I am not sure ...its been a long time..