So I picked this up at the portland swap meet, one of the elements has been squished. I asked the seller where to get the elements for it and lost the paper i wrote it on! I think it was 3 letters, like CTI or something. Cant find a single marking or number anywhere on it, no matches on ebay or any online store i could think of. I realize it's maybe a little street rod-ish but its currently my best cheap option with the clearance i have. Is there anybody who could help me figure it out? Thanks... The whole thing The Filter element (about 8 x 3 1/2) The place I gotta put it
As far as I can tell, that outfit just does OEM filters, unless I missed something. And I searched K & N pretty carefully with no results, but I appreciate the leads
Try here: The website sucks but the phone number is there.
Oh man that's it right there- didnt even know Barry grant made filters. That gives me a huge head start, thanks a million