Trying to reassemble some rechromed vent windows for a friends daughters Edsel Hard top. Cant find the rivets to reinstall the top of the glass runner to the frame. Pop rivets wont work. Need to be about 9/64 or .140 x .6 long. Any ideas?
If you only need a couple, have someone turn a couple on a lathe. Saves you buying a box for only a couple.
The Ford places like Mac's sell those rivets, they're brass. You line them up, clamp a punch in a vice and set it on there so the head is on the punch, then mushroom it over from the other side with another punch. Helps to have a second set of hands. Surprised the weatherstrip kit didn't come with them.
You can also buy them on ebay. hollow rivets for repairing tonka trucks. There is a C clamp device that are cheap for setting them.
I thank you for the replies. But I have searched Macs catalog, called Dennis Carpenter, Looked at the Tonka rivets and searched on Google. I find nothing that matches what I am looking for. If you have a link than that would be great. I ordered some for Mc Master Carr and waiting for them but dont think they will work either.
Last year I had the Vent windows for my 57 Ford hardtop re chromed. I have a retired friend that did S.S. and Pot metal for years handle them for me. He says he gets his odd rivets at Winks Hardware in Portland Ore. in there basement of Old Obsolete stuff. He didn't have a item number for me but did give me a Ph # 503-227-5536. He thought if you were patient and knew exactly what you needed and very discriptive they would go dig them out and ship you some. The rivets were Brass and he had the heads Chromed for mine, you can't tell they were ever apart. Good Luck. The Wizzard
My Ace hardware had a clearance sale and sold out of there whole rivet selection a week before I went looking. Went to Lowes, Menards in two towns also. May have found something today in England on ebay.