Hello Fellas, I have a 5 window coupe body that is currently up on jack stands for the nightmare undercarriage rust removal via wire brush and angle grinder. There are going to be some sections that I can't reach at all due to that fact that they are mostly covered or are at Too much of a crazy angle to get to. Is there a type of caulking or POR 15 type product I can just blob in there until its full. Basically covering what ever rust may be hiding out of site but keep it from progressing. Any suggestions will be much appreciated. Thanks,
I've used LPS#3 in aerosol cans...the #3 sprays on like penetrating oil but after a few minutes it dries to a waxy finish sealing everything under it...it's not sold everywhere but try electrical warehouses or hardware stores....I,ve sprayed it inside the framerails of my old off road jeep....15 years later...no rust through at all.
I bought some phosphoric acid/rust remover/neutralizer at home depot and sprayed my whole truck cab with it. Let it soak for a while then hit it with the pressure washer. air dryed it and it turns black and has some crusty stuff on it. Knocked down the crusty stuff, then sprayed it with primer, and I plan on coating certain areas like floor/back of cab/firewall with line-x or some type of spray/roll on liner.
^^I've done the same thing a few times, like to use POR15 on the surface after the treatment though, makes a nice solid layer, then primer/paint/undercoat/rhinoline over that.
Sounds similar to Boeshield T-9. Just cover the rust up, might last longer than you.... depending on your age...
don't wanna sound like ya teacher, but whatever you use be careful while processing acids next to your face as you lie on the ground underneath the body. damn gravity will always work, not only on women (sorry Hamb-gals)
Probably not the answer you wanted, but when I did my 37 Ford I used some long rod (mostly un-bent coat hangars) with a slice of old T-shirt safety wired to a hook on one end. Then I dunked it in POR and tried my best to paint inside the frame rails, and hard to reach body spaces. Without a snake video camera of some sort, it's hard to say how well I did, but a lot of paint went some place! Gary
That's a good idea Gary. I have also used expanding foam in those hard to reach areas. Stops the rust as well as stiffen things up.