Hello everyone my name is ed, I do sheetmetal repair or fabrication on many different types of prodjects. Purchased a 49 cadillac sedanette prodject five years ago. I have collected some parts for it along the way but not mutch progress yet. The previous owner started the prodject in about 1989. He subframed it, got the top chop roughed in, 500 inch cadi eng-400 tranny mounted in, got it with a great concept drawings and some parts. It's time to get started, alot of metal work to do. Great site, had now idea what all was going on here.
Welcome from Oklahoma. Love those old caddys. My dad was a "cadillac man" and we had a bunch of them through the years as I was growing up. He never hot rodded or customized them because he said cadillac built a fine hot rod custom right from the factory. Good luck on your build. Start a build thread and share some pics.
well, hello ed. welcome to the hamb. ed will never toot his own horn, but believe me, if any of you ever need some exquisite metalwork performed in central missouri ed's your guy. and i do mean EXQUISITE!